You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2009 June 25, 2009 - Governor's Weekly Radio Address - Furloughs are Necessary

June 25, 2009 - Governor's Weekly Radio Address - Furloughs are Necessary

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As I have stated before, it is my constitutional duty to ensure the state operates on a balanced budget. To close the projected $730 million budget shortfall, the state will furlough government employees beginning July 1.

The labor savings will be in addition to the $2 billion already saved through spending restrictions, debt restructuring, special funds and federal stimulus funds.

The furlough plan is not something we want to do, but it is something we must do to meet the revenue shortfall. Hawai`i is not unlike many states throughout the nation that are utilizing furloughs to meet state budget shortfalls.

The alternative to furloughs is massive layoffs of state employees and reduced public services. I am working hard to avoid layoffs because they would impose additional hardship on Hawai`i's families, add to the state's high unemployment and further delay our economic recovery.

Mahalo. This is Governor Linda Lingle.


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