This Week

New concern as ocean grows more acidic

Each hour, the ocean dissolves 1 million tons of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel. As the water grows more acidic, sound travels further. What will happen to marine mammals, which rely on an exquisite sense of hearing? ...more

Last Week

Driving while blabbing

Cellphoning, texting major hazards behind the wheel

How many dead? Research and real-life experience prove that people die when drivers pick up the cellphone. Even worse: texting on the road! ...more

In The News

Sumatra earthquake traps thousands under rubble.

Is there a smarter way to build in earthquake zones? ...more

Mega-quake and tsunamis in South Pacific.

What are earthquakes? Are we any closer to accurate earthquake predictions? ...more

First reports: Tsunamis in South Pacific kill 89.

Both Samoa both struck; quake was just 125 miles away. How do tsunami warning systems work? How quickly could one be built in the Indian Ocean? ...more

NFL study finds 19x increase in memory problems among ex-pro football players.

Study confirms previous data, but NFL concussion guru sees "a need for further studies..." ...more

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The skeleton of the robotic bat uses shape-memory metal alloy that is super-elastic for the joints, and smart materials that respond to electric current for the muscular system.


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