Current Issues in Molecular Biology     ISSN 1467-3037

Incorporating Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology

Current Issues in Molecular Biology (CIMB) publishes high quality critical review papers, in English, in all areas of molecular biology, microbiology, genomics and biotechnology. Top quality original research papers and short communications will also be considered for publication.

Papers are selected on the basis of topicality, originality, objectivity, and relevance to a broad readership encompassing research scientists, biomedical scientists, and health professionals. All manuscripts undergo a strict peer-review process and are reviewed by a member of the editorial board and at least one other appropriate individual.

CIMB is abstracted in Index Medicus, Medline, Pubmed, CAB Abstracts, CAB Health, EMBASE (Excerpta Medica), and BIOBASE (Current Awareness in Biological Sciences).

2007 Impact Factor

Thomson Scientific (ISI) Impact Factor for 2007 is 3.636 (assigned in June 2008).
Thomson Scientific (ISI) Impact Factor for 2006 is 4.481 (assigned in June 2007).
IC (Index Copernicus) Value: 33.06

Call for Papers

CIMB is currently seeking the submission of reviews and minireviews in all areas of molecular biology and molecular microbiology. Full Submission Details are available. Your manuscript is assured a warm welcome and prompt attention.

Guest Editors

CIMB is seeking guest editors for special issues of the journal. Each special issue will contain reviews or mini-reviews on a specific topic or theme. If you would like to be considered as a guest editors please contact us.

Plant Genomics

A forthcoming issue of Current Issues in Molecular Biology (CIMB) will be dedicated to Plant Genomics. The issue will contain reviews and mini-reviews on all aspects of Plant Genomics. If you would like to contribute to the issue or receive further details please click here


A forthcoming issue of Current Issues in Molecular Biology (CIMB) will be dedicated to Immunoinformatics. The issue will contain reviews and mini-reviews on all aspects of Immunoinformatics. If you would like to contribute to the issue or receive further details please contact us or subscribe to our newsletter

Online Access