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State Economic Recovery
Oregon's Economic Stimulus and Recovery Plan
Oregon Way logo
Governor Ted Kulongoski's web page on how Oregon is using federal and state stimulus dollars to promote job creation and help citizens.
"Go Oregon!" state stimulus projects
State economic recovery dollars support "Go Oregon!" projects at public facilities throughout the state. These projects are funded by the sale of Oregon Bonds. Oregon Parks and Recreation has eight "Go Oregon!" park projects.
Federal Economic Recovery
Projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Several state parks serve as safety rest areas under an agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation. The Oregon Transportation Commission approved two OPRD requests totaling $1.72 million to improve safety rest areas in eastern and western Oregon. The money is allocated from ARRA funds targeted for state highway system projects.
The federal website for citizens to monitor recovery progress.

Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

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