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Klamath County heritage resources added
Crater Lake Lodge about 1970
A listing of books and studies published about Klamath County during the past 50 years has been compiled by the Heritage Programs Division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

As part of its statehood sesquicentennial year project, the division is compiling similar lists for each county in the state. Most eastern and central Oregon counties have been completed.

Additional counties will be added later in the year.

Resources and Services
Introduce yourself to heritage and heritage organizations through the following sites:
News and Updates
Heritage Excellence Awards presented
First Lady Mary Oberst presents one of the 2009 Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards
First Lady Mary Oberst and Heritage Commission Chair George Kramer presented eight individuals, organizations and projects recently with Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards.
This is Oregon's Sesquicentennial
Oregon 150 logo
Oregon is taking note of its 150th anniversary in 2009. Planning for the events and activities has already started, and there will be many opportunities for you to participate. See what's planned and how you can be involved.
History book titles sought
As part of the Oregon statehood sesquicentennial, OPRD's Heritage Programs Division is compiling lists and descriptions of county history books published during the past 50 years. Let us know if there are books you want to submit.

Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

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