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NOHVCC, as a national body of OHV recreation enthusiasts, develops and provides a wide spectrum of programs, materials and information, or "tools", to individuals, clubs, associations and agencies in order to further a positive future for responsible OHV recreation.
To subscribe to the NOHVCC eNewsletter click here and make your request.
NOHVCC Library
OHV Administration
OHV Management
Environmental Impact
Human Dimensions
  Recreational Trails Program  
  Funding trail projects  
  Marshall University OHV Recreation Management Program  
  On-campus and on-line course information  
Support NOHVCC
Estate Donation
NOHVCC Products
NOHVCC Services
Help Yourself Train
Workshop Programs
 OHV Regulations
State-By-State Listing
Liability Insurance and State Liability Laws
Insurance Contacts
State-By-State Liability Laws
 Sound Resources
  NOHVCC Sound Resource Page  
MIC Stationary Sound Test Manual
  OHV Trailbuilding
Environmental, regulatory and technical services
  Effectiveness of OHV Safety Campaign
Montana On the Right Trail Survey
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Media Pages | USFS Route Designation Workshops | '09 Conferences
NOHVCC Library | Trailbuilding Resources| About NOHVCC | Contact Us | FAQs

Latest News
You can now follow NOHVCC on Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace. Search for 'NOHVCC' to find us.

NOHVCC is proud to announce its new Public Land Advocacy webinar series. The registration for the 4th session is open. We plan on having additional sessions of the first sessions again this fall or winter.

Registration and presentation downloads have been moved the the webinars page.

OHV Recreationists make a difference
Off-Road Magazine and their parent company 4 Wheel Parts are helping to keep our soliders safe while serving our country by providing bright lights to illuminate the night watches. Get all of the details and find out what you can do to join them.

CPSIA Lead Ban Updates
Stay up to date with the latest events regarding the ban on youth ATV, dirtbikes, and snowmobiles on the Motorcycle Industry Council's webpages. created for you.

Share Our Trails
A group of national and state trail advocacy organizations representing equestrian, OHV, and bicycle interests recently completed a collaborative effort to develop a new guide called “Sharing Our Trails - A Guide to Trail Etiquette”. The guide is intended to be used in a variety of ways such as incorporation in trail brochures, magazine articles and trail education programs of all types. Sharing Our Trails Guide

Now Online: Private Lands Development Page



Being a part of our organization not only helps other OHV activists become more effective, but it also strengthens your quest  to increase OHV opportunities and further responsible riding in your state. Find out what it means to be an NOHVCC State Representative.


RESERVE DATES NOW FOR 2009 WORKSHOPS IN YOUR AREA! DATES ARE CURRENTLY OPEN FOR OHV ASSOCIATION, OHV MANAGEMENT, AND USFS ROUTE DESIGNATION WORKSHOPS The NOHVCC is planning their workshop and event calendars for 2009.Contact them now at 800-348-6487 or trailhead@nohvcc.org to discuss any proposals for the coming year.


NOHVCC Workshops

State Association and OHV Recreation Management Workshops

Forest Service OHV Route Designation Workshop


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Help the next generation of OHV riders get started on the right track.
Club Start-Up Kits: Everything you need to know about starting and running a successful OHV riding club.
Management Guidelines for OHV Recreation: Time-proven strategies for the building and maintenance of environmentally sustainable and quality OHV trail systems. Now available in PDF!
Park Guidelines for OHVs: A resource guide to assist in the planning, development, enhancement and operation of OHV recreation facilities.
Instructional GPS Trail Mapping DVD: How to map trails for the USFS OHV Route Designation process and other applications.
Stationary Sound Test Manual: A detailed how-to guide with RPM settings for various models- follows the SAE J1287 procedure.

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©2007 National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, Inc.
427 Central Ave. West, Great Falls, MT 59404
Ph: 800-348-6487 • Fx: 406-454-9142 • trailhead@nohvcc.org
The NOHVCC is a 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit Foundation