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Child & Adult Care Food Program


Title 7 -- Agriculture
Chapter II - Food and Nutrition Service,
Department of Agriculture

Part 226


CACFP: At-Risk Afterschool Meals in Eligible States - Rule proposes to provide an additional meal for at-risk children through age 18 who participate in eligible afterschool programs.

7/31/07 Afterschool Snacks in the CACFP - Final rule establishes guidelines on serving reimbursable snacks in afterschool care programs.
5/02/07 Data Collection Related to the Participation of Faith-Based and Community Organizations - Final rule establishes an information collection to determine the level of participation of faith-based and community organizations in nutrition assistance programs.
3/12/07 Final Rule: Disclosure of Children's Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk Eligibility Information in the Child Nutrition Programs - Final rule addresses disclosure of information to identify and enroll eligible children in the State Medicaid or SCHIP programs.
10/23/06 For-Profit Center Participation in the CACFP - Final rule makes permanent the provision authorizing for-profit centers providing child care or outside-school-hours care to participate based on the income eligibility of 25 percent of children in care for free or reduced price meals.
7/13/06 Uniform Federal Assistance Regulations; Nondescretionary Technical Amendments - Final rule updates FNS program regulations, reflecting the revision of USDA’s grants management regulations which brought entitlement programs under the same regulations that already apply to non-entitlement programs.
5/30/06 Disregard of Overpayments in the CACFP, NSLP, SBP - Final rule creates uniform regulations related to the disregard of overpayments in the CACFP, NLSP, and SBP.
1/3/06 Age Limits for Children in Emergency Shelters - Interim rule raises the age limit for residents of emergency shelters who are eligible to receive CACFP meals to include children through age 18.
6/15/05 Permanent Agreements for Day Care Homes - Final rule provides for sponsors to establish permanent agreements with their family and group day care homes.
2/22/05 Duration of Tiering Determinations - Final rule increases the duration of tier I determinations for day care homes when school data is used.
9/1/04 Improving Management and Program Integrity - Second interim rule makes significant changes to improve program management and integrity on issues that were more discretionary in nature.  Comments were due September 1, 2005.  Here is the errata sheet correcting some minor errors found when the rule was published.
2/12/04 Privacy Act Notice: Proposed New System of Records - Fns solicited comments regarding the collection of information on persons identified as responsible for serious deficiencies, proposed for disqualification, or disqualified to participate as principals or family day care home operators.
6/27/02 Implementing Legislative Reforms to Strengthen Program Integrity - Interim rule makes significant changes to improve program management and integrity.
5/28/02 Amendments to the Infant Meal Pattern - Final rule makes information about infant meals more consistent and easier to read.  It also clarifies egg servings in the child care snack pattern. 
12/20/01 CACFP and Infant Meal Pattern - Amendments correct the meal pattern for infants ages 8 to 11 months.  It also corrects the meal pattern tables for suppers served to adults and supplements food served to children.
1/11/01 Disclosure of Children's Eligibility Information to Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program - Interim rule addresses disclosure of information to identify and enroll eligible children in the State Medicaid or SCHIP programs.
10/11/00 Reimbursement for Snacks in Afterschool Care Programs - Proposed rule outlines how nutritious snacks may be served children and teens.
9/12/00 Improving Management and Program Integrity - Rule proposes important changes in applications, approvals, monitoring and training.

Last modified: 07/30/2009