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Child & Adult Care Food Program

Management Improvement

FNS has taken steps to strengthen accountability, improve integrity, and protect Federal funds.  Here are policies and guidance aimed at assuring proper funds management,
program oversight, and integrity.

Financial Management Tools  - Guidance on requirements and procedures for assuring proper funds management.
Child Care Assessment Project - Final report, issued on July 27, 2009, evaluates the effectiveness of new policies aimed at improving integrity in the family day care home component of CACFP. 
5-Day Reconciliation in Centers - Memorandum issued September 23, 2005, explains how to conduct a 5-day reconciliation in child care centers.
Block Claiming Determinations - Memorandum issued July 1, 2005, provides clarification and guidance on the issue of block claiming.
Food Stamp Program Eligible Providers Information Collection - Memorandum issued March 29, 2005 explains that sponsors must share information for sponsored daycare homes receiving Tier I benefits with their State Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program office.
Enrollment Form Collection System Deadline - Memorandum issued March 11, 2005 explains that the deadline for State agencies to have an enrollment form collection system in place is April 1, 2005.
State Agency Guidance, Narrative Form, on Second Interim Rule - This guidance is for use by State agencies when implementing provisions of the rule published on September 1, 2004.
State Agency Guidance, Chart Form, on Second Interim Rule - This guidance is for use by State agencies when implementing provisions of the rule published on September 1, 2004.
Sponsoring Organization Guidance, Narrative Form, on Second Interim Rule - This guidance is for use by State agencies when implementing provisions of the rule published on September 1, 2004.
Sponsoring Organization Guidance, Chart Form, on Second Interim Rule - This guidance is for use by State agencies when implementing provisions of the rule published on September 1, 2004.
Independent Center Guidance, Narrative Form, on Second Interim Rule - This guidance is for use by State agencies when implementing provisions of the rule published on September 1, 2004.
Independent Center Guidance, Chart Form, on Second Interim Rule - This guidance is for use by State agencies when implementing provisions of the rule published on September 1, 2004.
Sponsor Monitoring Requirements - Memorandum issued January 27, 2004, provides clarification based upon questions received in the the topic of sponsor monitoring. 
Monitor Staffing Standards - Memorandum issued February 21, 2003, explains requirements for sponsoring organizations to ensure that they employ an adequate number of monitors.
Legislative Reforms to Strengthen Program Integrity - First interim rule, published June 27, 2002, made major changes to the CACFP.  
Use of Stop Payments in CACFP - Memorandum issued March 1, 2002, answers questions regarding suspension of payments to in institution and providers.
Integrity and Fraud - Guidance on where to turn if you have questions or concerns about the operation of CACFP.

Last modified: 07/30/2009