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Mission and Functions
Electrical Safety
Operating Experience Committee
Operating Experience Summaries
Lessons Learned and Best Practices
Computerized Accident Incident Reporting and Recordkeeping System (CAIRS)
Radiation Exposure Monitoring Systems (REMS)
Daily Occurrence Reports
Final Occurrence Reports Access System Login
Occurrence Reporting SIG (OR SIG)
Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS)
Corporate Safety Analysis Performance Statistics
Safety and Health Alerts
Safety Bulletins
Suspect/Counterfeit Items and Defective Items (SCI/DI)
Office of Corporate Safety Programs
Office of Corporate Safety Analysis

Office of Analysis

blue dot bulletComputerized Accident/Incident Reporting System (CAIRS): A database used to collect and analyze DOE and DOE contractor reports of injuries, illnesses, and other accidents that occur during DOE operations. Contact: Janet Macon

blue dot bullet Daily Occurrence (DO) Reports A daily summary and listing of occurrence reports submitted to DOE. Contact: Eugenia Boyle

blue dot bullet Electrical Safety The Department has undertaken recent and ongoing efforts to improve electrical safety. Contact: Glenn Searfoss

blue dot bullet Operating Experience Summaries HSS publishes the OE Summary to promote safety throughout the DOE complex by exchanging lessons-learned information between DOE facilities. Contact: Eugenia Boyle

blue dot bullet Lessons Learned and Best Practices The DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program facilitates the sharing of performance information, lessons learned, and good practices across the DOE Complex to prevent the recurrence of adverse events. Contact: Sharon Brown

blue dot bullet Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS): The Department of Energy's Occurrence Reporting Program provides timely notification to the DOE complex of events that could adversely affect public or DOE worker health and safety, the environment, national security, DOE's safeguards and security interests, functioning of DOE facilities, or the Department's reputation. Contact: Eugenia Boyle

blue dot bullet The DOE Radiation Exposure Monitoring System (REMS) database is used to report occupational radiation exposures for all monitored DOE employees, contractors, subcontractors, and members of the public. Contact: Nimi Rao

blue dot bullet Safety and Health Alerts, Safety Bulletins Actionable information that has a high potential to impact safety and health at DOE facilities. Contact: Glenn Searfoss

blue dot bullet Suspect/Counterfeit Items and Defective Items (SCI/DI) DOE is committed to ensuring that items and components installed in safety-related or mission-critical applications meet their intended function and operability requirements. The Office of Health, Safety and Security has established a process to identify SCIs or DIs that are deemed safety-significant and broadly applicable to DOE facilities. Contact: Mark Petts

blue dot bullet Corporate Safety Analysis Performance Statistics: The Office of Health, Safety and Security Office of Safety Analysis develops extensive statistical research on a variety of health and safety topics. Contact: Rama Sastry.

This page was last updated on May 21, 2009
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