ORNL in the News

Jaguar upgrade could make it the fastest

(Knoxville News Sentinel) New processors are being loaded into Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Cray XT5 Jaguar supercomputer, which could become the world's fastest machine by year's end....8/7

ORNL technology targets actions of child predators

(Maryville Daily Times) People producing child pornography and using the Internet to share their material could be living dangerously because of a technology for forensics use that was developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Y-12 National Security Complex....8/7

ORNL's partnership with NIssan paying off

(Atomic City Underground) Oodles of stimulus money and matching grants were announced earlier this week for "advanced vehicle electrification" to Electric Transportation Engineering Corp. and Nissan to demonstrate 5,000 new electric vehicles and 12,750 chargers in five states in 2010. ...8/6

Money, money for Frontier Research Centers

(Atomic City Underground) Each of the ORNL-based centers -- one directed by Malcolm Stocks, the other by David Wesolowski -- is receiving $19 million over five years....8/6

Energy grant to put fleet of electric cars in Tennessee

(Nashville Business Journal) Tennessee got involved at the behest of Gov. Phil Bredesen, who is working with Nashville-based Nissan North America, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Tennessee Valley Authority and other partners to promote zero-emission transportation....8/6

In the Midst of an Economic Earthquake, Cray Finds Its Footing

(HPC Wire) CEO Peter Ungaro mentioned the latest DOE deal for the "Jaguar" upgrade at Oak Ridge National Lab and the recent Swiss National Supercomputing Centre contract as two examples where government stimulus money has made its way into Cray's piggy bank....8/7


DOE Awards $377 Million in Funding for 46 Energy Frontier Research Centers

(DOE Press Release) In a major effort to accelerate the scientific breakthroughs needed to build a new 21st-century energy economy, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced the delivery of $377 million in funding for 46 new multi-million-dollar Energy Frontier Research Centers located at universities, national laboratories, nonprofit organizations, and private firms across the nation....8/6

East Tennessee

Peace activists reflect on Hiroshima

(Knoxville News Sentinel) It was a relatively solemn ceremony on the front lawn of the Y-12 nuclear weapons plant in Oak Ridge....8/7


On sidelines, Hispanics cheer Sotomayor

(USA Today) The Senate confirmation vote made for gripping drama at Latino epicenters across the U.S. Thursday....8/7

State & Regional

Tennessee to cut prison population by 3,000

(Tennessean) The Tennessee Department of Correction will reduce the state's prison population by 3,000 over the next two years, focusing on keeping low-risk offenders from going back to jail, as a way to cope with an ongoing budget crunch....8/7



energy & science policy

Climate Bill Is Threatened by Senators

(New York Times) Ten moderate Senate Democrats from states dependent on coal and manufacturing sent a letter to President Obama on Thursday saying they would not support any climate change bill that did not protect American industries from competition from countries that did not impose similar restraints on climate-altering gases....8/7

New Battle on Vieques, Over Navy’s Cleanup of Munitions

(New York Times) As the Navy cleans its former training grounds in Vieques, P.R., residents worry about the safety of its methods....8/7

Inside Energy Extra

8/6 A daily report on U.S. energy policy [ORNL users only]
-Obama officials grilled on renewables
-Tech may lead to tighter CO2 caps: Chu
-Dems want industry protection in CO2 bill
-Company offers cap-and-trade alternative
-DOE gives $377 M to new research centers

science & technology

Particle Collider Will Operate, but at Half Power

(New York Times) The world’s biggest physics experiment will begin doing physics this winter at half power, officials at CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, said Thursday....8/7

Is a Psychopath Attacking Twitter, Facebook?

(Wired) Thursday’s denial of service attacks on Twitter and Facebook, and the ones that flooded non-critical U.S. government sites several weeks ago share a very interesting common denominator...8/7

Exploring Antarctica

(Washington Post) [Multimedia] The frozen landscape, dry valleys and active volcanoes that make up Antarctica provide a living laboratory for scientific study and a wondrous journey for those traveling to the ends of the Earth....8/09 [Registration Required]