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DATE: March 6, 2009
CONTACT: JoAnne Ruscio; jruscio@njn.org; (609) 777-3993

Governor Jon Corzine’s Budget Message Live on NJN
Tuesday, March 10, at noon; rebroadcast at 10 pm

STATEWIDE – NJN News will provide complete live coverage of Governor Jon Corzine's Budget Message to a joint session of the New Jersey State Legislature on Tuesday, March 10 at noon.  NJN senior news anchor Jim Hooker hosts the program live from the Trenton studios with senior political correspondent Michael Aron at the State House.  This special public affairs program will be simulcast on NJN Public Radio, and web cast and archived at www.njn.net.  The budget message will be rebroadcast on NJN Public Television at 10 pm. 

In his budget message, Governor Corzine will outline his plan for filling a seven-billion-dollar budget gap.  Republican political analyst Roger Bodman and Democratic political strategist Julie Roginsky will be in the studio with Jim Hooker.  At the State House, Michael Aron will be joined by Brigid Harrison, Montclair State University political scientist, and will follow up with the legislative response with four budget officers: Assembly Budget Committee Chair Louis Greenwald, Senate Budget Committee Chair Barbara Buono, Morris County Senator Anthony Bucco, and Assembly Republican Budget Officer Joseph Malone.

Funding for this program is provided by PSE&G, Verizon, Wachovia, NJEA, NJ Carpenter Contractor Trust, Delta Dental of NJ, NJ Association of REALTORS, The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey and NJ Manufacturers.

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