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Regional Educational Laboratory Program

Northeast & Islands
Northeast & Islands: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Virgin Islands

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The Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands (REL-NEI) is administered by Education Development Center, Inc. in Newton, Massachusetts, with partners Learning Innovations at WestEd and American Institutes for Research. REL-NEI serves New England, New York State, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, a diverse region with more than five million students and nearly 10,000 schools and 2,000 districts.

REL-NEI’s mission is to be the “go-to” source for state education agencies, superintendents, principals, district-level specialists, association heads, state legislatures, teachers unions, and parent associations seeking applied education research to make policy and practice decisions leading to improved student achievement and reduced performance gaps. REL-NEI:

REL-NEI studies include more than two dozen “fast response” projects and two long-term “randomized controlled trials.” Through conferences, webinars, and a range of Internet-based dissemination products and tools, REL-NEI brings the work of IES-supported experts and studies and its own researchers and reports to the region and the country. Visit

Meet REL Northeast & Islands

REL-NEI is administered by Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), in Newton, Mass., with partners Learning Innovations at WestEd and American Institutes for Research (AIR). EDC is a global non-profit organization that develops, delivers, and evaluates innovative programs to address some of the world’s most urgent challenges in education, health, and economic development. Founded in 1958, EDC manages more than 300 projects in 35 countries. EDC has administered REL-NEI since March 2006.

Learning Innovations is the Northeast program of WestEd, a California-based nonprofit research, development, and service agency that works with education and other communities to promote excellence, achieve equity, and improve learning for children, youth, and adults. WestEd moves research into practice by conducting R & D initiatives, providing training and technical assistance, and disseminating relevant, research-based knowledge targeted to key audiences.

AIR is a not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to ensure that: improvements occur in education, health, and the workplace; there is an increase in the use of better research methods and designs; practitioners adopt appropriate research-based practices; and public understanding and policymaking are informed by sound research. AIR’s expertise includes test development, research methodology, statistical and quantitative methods, program planning and implementation, and program evaluation.

Lab Director:
Jill E. Weber
Governing Board

REL Northeast & Islands at Education Development Center, Inc.
55 Chapel Street
Newton, MA 02458-1060
Phone: (617) 969-7100
Fax: (617) 969-1580


  • AIR
  • Empirical Ed. Nimble Assessments
  • SCA
  • Sun Associates
  • TERC
  • WestEd - Learning Innovations
555 New Jersey Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20208, USA
Phone: 1-800-USA-LEARN (map)
REL Web Contractor, 10530 Rosehaven Street, Suite 400, Fairfax, VA 22030, Phone: (703) 934-3000