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Regional Educational Laboratory Program

CCSSO Native Education Network Collaborative Project

This project is a collaborative effort among eight RELs to address a goal of the Council of Chief State School Officer’s Native Education Network: to support efforts to increase the academic achievement of American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students to parity with their non-Native peers (CCSSO, 2006). The REL collaboration will address a strategy identified by the network plan: to collect, analyze and report data about the achievement of these students within each partnership state. Specifically, the REL collaborative will present evidence, in an objective and consistent format, to permit readers to gauge the degree to which an achievement gap exists within a state and, if so, to identify patterns in the direction of change in this gap within each state. The state education agencies representing the Native Education Network partnership states of the Council of Chief State School Officers are the primary audience. Additionally, state, regional, and national Indian education association members and policy makers may find this information of value, as will state policy makers concerned with Native education issues. REL Midwest will produce seven individual state reports of the analysis for each state with complete data.
555 New Jersey Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20208, USA
Phone: 1-800-USA-LEARN (map)
REL Web Contractor, 10530 Rosehaven Street, Suite 400, Fairfax, VA 22030, Phone: (703) 934-3000