United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Environmental Compliance


  Quails at the cornfield

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What's New?

National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)

Council on Environmental Quality

CEQ Memorandum concerning States as Cooperating Agencies (PDF; 143 KB)
Guidance on “Purpose and Need” (PDF; 643 KB)


Departmental Regulations for the National Environmental Policy Act (PDF; 17 KB)

NRCS National

National Environmental Compliance Handbook (PDF; 4.5 MB)
Final Rule - NRCS Regulations for Complying with the National Environmental Policy Act CPR 7 Part 650 (PDF, 121KB)
2009 Revised Environmental Evaluation CPA-52 Worksheet (PDF; 252 KB)
2009 Revised Environmental Evaluation CPA-52 Worksheet (XLS; 946 KB)
Environmental Evaluation Worksheet Example #1 (PDF; 135 KB)
Environmental Evaluation Worksheet Example #2 (PDF; 105 KB)

NRCS State

Environmental Liaison Directory (DOC; 166 KB) — This directory lists the states environmental liaisons' names and their email addresses

Arizona State Environmental Evaluation Worksheets (DOC; 163 KB)
Maine State Environmental Evaluation Worksheet (XLS; 4 MB)
Nebraska CPA-52 Implementation Guidance (DOC; 483 KB)
Nebraska Environmental Evaluation Conservation Planning (XLS; 1 MB)
Nebraska NEPA Tiering References (XLS; 30 KB)
South Dakota State Environmental Evaluation Worksheets (XLS; 373 KB)
Finding of No Significant Impact: New England States and New York Environment Assessment (PDF; 4.5 MB)

Environmental Protection Agency

Consideration Of Cumulative Impacts In EPA Review Of NEPA Documents (PDF; 100 KB)

Other Links
  • NEPANet
    A one-stop shop for NEPA related information. Includes the full text of the NEPA statute, 40 most frequently asked questions and other guidance from the Council on Environmental Quality, bibliographic information, training, and more.
  • Department of Energy's NEPA Web Site
    Complete resource containing Department of Energy (DOE) NEPA announcements and analysis, a directory of potential stakeholders for DOE actions under NEPA, and links to related sites.
  • Rural Development Agency's Environmental Compliance Library
    The Environmental Library contains most of the environmental statutes, regulations, Executive Orders and miscellaneous guidance documents that RUS uses in meeting its environmental compliance and review responsibilities.
  • National Environmental Policy Act Reference Handbook
    From the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Endangered Species Act

Policy on Safe Harbor Agreements (PDF; 72 KB)
Policy on Candidate Conservation Agreements (PDF; 76 KB)
"No Surprises" Policy (PDF; 101 KB)

Endangered Species Biological Opinions

Effects Of The Implementation of Habitat Restoration Projects On The Northern Population of the Bog Turtle (Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania)
Bog Turtle part #1 (PDF; 4.4 MB)
Bog Turtle part #2 (PDF; 4.4 MB)
Bog Turtle part #3 (PDF; 2.6 MB)

Programmatic Biological Assessments & Opinions

Healthy Forests Reserve Program promotes the recovery of threatened and endangered species, improves biodiversity, and enhances carbon sequestration. (Pilot States: Arkansas, Maine and Mississippi)
Arkansas Healthy Forests Reserve Program (PDF; 628 KB)
Maine Healthy Forests Reserve Program (PDF; 497 KB)