DOE Genomes
Human Genome Project Information  Genomics:GTL  DOE Microbial Genomics  home

About This Site

Sponsored by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.

The Genome Management Information System (GMIS) works with scientific teams to communicate BER's programs to the scientific community and the public to help the Department of Energy fulfill its broad missions in energy, environmental remediation, and the protection of human health.

Citation Format

A standard format for use when citing pages on this website:

[Give Title of Page], U.S. DOE Genomics:GTL, (accessed [Give Date])

Add author's name at beginning if citing an article attributed to a specific author(s).

Site Awards

ISI Current Web ContentsSelected by ISI in 2006 for inclusion in Current Web Contents, a section of Current Contents Connect™. ISI editors, following carefully structured evaluation criteria, reviewed and developed a standardized descriptive record for the site.

Additional awards:

Web Site Staff and Contact Information

Webmaster: Sheryl Martin GMIS Staff
(Full time and part time)

Team Leader: Betty K. Mansfield
Editor/Writer: Holly L. Haun
Science Writer: Jennifer L. Bownas
Science Writer: Kristine Christen
Layout and Design: Judy M. Wyrick
Website: Sheryl A. Martin
Website Content, Production, and Marketing: Marissa D. Mills
Databases: Marilyn Langston
Document Distribution: Anita Alton

Contact Us:

GMIS Correspondence Address
Betty K. Mansfield
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
1060 Commerce Park, MS 6480
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
865/576-6669, Fax: /574-9888


Access Keys

The following is the list of access keys assigned to links on this website. If supported by your browser, you may use Alt-number (PC) or Ctrl-number (Mac) to focus your browser on the link. Press enter to follow the link. Not supported by all browsers; may perform differently in different versions of browsers, operating systems, or computer configurations.

Number Web Page
1 Home page
2 Skip navigation links
3 Sitelist
4 Impacts
5 GTL Documents
6 Research
7 Science Behind GTL
8 About the program