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Microbial Genomics & Metagenomics workshop

DOE JGI workshop Sept 14-18, Walnut Creek, Calif. Two days of intensive seminars and three days of hands-on tutorials. [7/30/09]


USDA and DOE Fund New Projects for Biomass Genomics Research

Departments of Energy and Agriculture jointly selected 7 projects for awards totaling $6.3 million for biobased-fuel research. [7/22/09]

Press Release

List of Awardees

Funding Opportunity Announcement

"Biological Systems Research on the Role of Microbial Communities in Carbon Cycling" [7/1/09]


DOE JGI Newsletter

Summer 2009 The Primer Available


DOE JGI Twitter

News from DOE Joint Genome Institute [7/09]


DOE JGI Releases IMG/M 2.8

Includes reference genomes from IMG 2.8 and 111 GEBA genomes. [6/09]


DOE-USDA Sustainability of Biofuels Workshop Report

Sustainability of Biofuels: Future Research Opportunities is now available. [04/09]


GTL Strategic Plan

The 2008 Genomics:GTL Strategic Plan is now available electronically. [02/09]


More News and Announcements

Today, scientists have in hand the complete DNA sequences of genomes for many organisms—from microbes to plants to humans. The U.S. Department of Energy's Genomics:GTL program will use the new genomic data and high-throughput technologies for studying the proteins encoded by microbial and plant genomes to explore their amazingly diverse natural capabilities.

Potential Impact Areas

GTL Goal: A Broad Knowledgebase to Support Energy and Environmental Applications

GTL research conducts explorations of microbes and plants at the molecular, cellular, and community levels. The goal is to gain insights about fundamental biological processes and, ultimately, a predictive understanding of how living systems operate. The resulting knowledgebase—all linked through DNA sequence and freely available—will catalyze the translation of science into new technologies for energy and environmental applications.