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Environment and Natural Resources

  • E&E Environment Resources
  • Sacred Earth Network: Non-profit international organization located in Petersham, Massachusetts. SEN strives to empower people to work in defense of the biosphere and to create a sustainable culture.

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  • CACI ANALYST: Sponsored by Johns Hopkins University, provides up to date analysis of current events in CA/CAU, notice of upcoming programs, and text of speeches of previous bi-weekly seminars.
  • EurasiaNet: A leading internet news service, covering the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as Afghanistan, the Middle East and Mongolia. A comprehensive resource, the website provides exclusive analysis, emphasizing in-depth coverage of political economic and social issues largely unaddressed by other information sources.
  • Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Provides current information on regional activities, especially political, governmental, and economic activities, plus country-specific daily news items.
  • STRATFOR: Good source of analytical reporting on current issues, country-specific--as well as forecasting. Can subscribe for daily information on specific countries.
  • The Washington Post: Comprehensive information page, including current events and links country specific. Search the news archives. Free subscription is required.

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Country Background

  • ASIASOURCE: Information on Asian countries, organized by subject and/or country specific.
  • CIA - The World FactBook: Comprehensive information on all countries, including maps, social data, etc.
  • Lonely Planet: Background information on countries including travel, recreation, and sightseeing activities. from the Lonely Planet Travel Guide Books

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Other Sector-Specific

  • BISNIS: Comprehensive reports on all countries, includes country reports, industry reports, Department of Commerce and State Department-related activites, business activities, links, etc.
  • Chernobyl.Info: The international website is an information and communication platform. It is addressed to all those who are dedicated to the alleviation of suffering and to reconstruction efforts in the regions still affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster.
  • Crisis Web: Sponsored by The The International Crisis Group (ICG), a private, multinational organisation committed to strengthening the capacity of the international community to anticipate, understand and act to prevent and contain conflict.
  • Elections Around the World: A database on elections, parties and parliaments.
  • International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL): is an international organization whose mission is to facilitate and support the development of civil society and the freedom of association on a global basis.
  • Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE): Country specific information and reports, summaries, recommendations, based on OSCE activities.
  • United States Institute of Peace (USIP): Special reports on studies relating to peace issues. Archives.

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International Organizations

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Non-Governmental/Local Organizations

  • Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE): Non-profit affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy.
  • Eurasia Foundation: A privately managed grantmaking organization dedicated to funding programs that build democratic and free market institutions in the twelve New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union -- Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
  • NGONET: Long list of Non-Governmental-Organizations in the EE and FSU, alphabetically, by region. Background information.
  • SOROS: Soros Foundation Network - Open Society Institute; includes information on the organizations Central Asia Initiative

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