United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Agricultural Wildlife Conservation Center Go to Accessibility Information
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Wildlife is one of America's most treasured natural resources. Nearly 70 percent of this Nation's wildlife habitat is interspersed over privately owned landscapes. For over 60 years, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly the Soil Conservation Service) has worked through 3,000 soil and water conservation districts and other partners to assist landowners and managers with natural resource problems and opportunities, including those associated with wildlife habitat management.

Updated 07/06/2009

Fish and Wildlife Technology Findings

The report was developed with assistance from current and former members of the AWCC and former Wildlife Habitat Management Institute (WHMI), as well as national NRCS biologists and the NRCS Wildlife Team. Photographs in this report were provided by the NRCS, as well as its partners and cooperators.  It was compiled by Iowa State University for the AWCC as part of a CESU cooperative agreement with Extension Wildlife Programs.

Wildlife Team - Land of Life Booklet to be used with DVD

Land of Life

The NRCS AWCC, formerly WHMI, has held the premier of its new video Land of Life that highlights what America’s Farmers and Ranchers are doing to manage fish and wildlife habitat on their working lands. In addition to the video, there is a color booklet entitled, Our Living Land, that highlights examples of wonderful projects led by NRCS field personnel and our partners to help landowners get conservation on America’s working lands. 
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The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.


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