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DHS Performance Measurement



2009-11 Legislatively Adopted Key Performance Measures 


DHS KPM Annual Performance Progress Reports 


Performance-Based Management: Basic terminology and logic models
(PDF) (Powerpoint)

Contact information

Cathy Iles, Coordinator

DHS Performance Management




Performance measurement in Oregon


Oregon has used some form of performance measurement since the late 1960s. Performance initiatives varied widely between the late 1960s and the 1980s, and there were no legal statutory requirements governing performance reporting during this period. The 1989 release of Oregon Shines, which is a statewide strategic vision, signaled the state’s renewed interest in performance measurement.


Oregon Shines was the basis for development of the Oregon Benchmarks in the early 1990s. The current legal framework governing performance measures for state agencies was passed by the 1993 Legislative Assembly. These statutory requirements promote developing performance measures in state agencies and making connections to the Oregon Benchmarks.



Key performance measures


Prior to 2001, performance measurement efforts were primarily initiated by the executive branch with little involvement by the Legislature. This changed after the 2001 legislative session. During the 2001-03 interim, the Performance Measures Advisory Group was convened to establish guidelines to be used by all state agencies when developing, reviewing, and reporting their performance results. The advisory group created a set of guidelines that established a standardized approach to identifying and reporting agency key performance measures (KPM).


Strategies of success


The goal was to have a measurement system that was based on legislative expectations, useful to managers and line staff, affordable, inclusive of effectiveness and efficiency measures, and linked to the Oregon Benchmarks. The guidelines also established tools and processes for making performance measurement review a part of the budget development process.


In 2007 the KPM processes and administration changed hands, moving from the Oregon Progress Board to be jointly managed by the Department of Administrative Services' Budget and Management Division and the Legislative Fiscal Office.

Page updated: July 07, 2009

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