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DHS 2009-2011 budget


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Ways and Means presentations

DHS Overview

Addictions and Mental Health (AMH)

Administrative Services Division (ASD)

  • ASD Overview (Day 1): PDF
  • ASD POPS and Reductions (Day 2): PDF

Children, Adults and Families (CAF)

Division of Medical Assistance Programs (DMAP)

  • DMAP Overview: PDF    

Public Health (PHD)

Seniors and People with Disabilities (SPD)




DHS 2009-2011 Economic impact on communities





Governor's Recommended Budget (GRB)


Governor Ted Kulongoski's recommended budget for 2009-2011 highlights the difficult decisions he has had to make in the face of declining revenues. As he has promised, his proposed budget maintains education as his top priority. Also receiving priority are children's health care, transportation and energy.

The result for DHS is a proposed budget that is expected to fall 16.6 percent below the amount needed to maintain existing service levels for the growing number of people requesting assistance. While this is disappointing for the many vulnerable Oregonians who need help, it reflects the realities of today's struggling economy. However, the final budget won't be determined by the Legislature for several months. As discussions move forward, DHS will do all we can to protect the needs of vulnerable Oregonians.


 View the 2009-2011 Budget Fact Sheet

 View the 2009-2011 DHS GRB





Agency request budget


Oregon's human services needs are growing faster than the funding levels required to pay for those needs. Difficult economic times, years of underinvestment in health and human services, and a growing population are combining to place increasing pressure on the state's ability to provide these important services to Oregonians.


DHS believes it is important to acknowledge the full range of health and human services needed in this state. For that reason, the department has prepared a needs-based budget for 2009-2011 that recognizes and addresses the level of services Oregonians need.


 View the 2009-2011 Agency Request Budget





Draft budget


To help build the proposed 2009-2011 budget DHS staff held a series of community forums to gather input, received comments via e-mail and mail, and spoke with many state leaders and representatives of advocacy groups. These comments and concerns were instrumental in developing a series of policy option packages (POPs), which are proposed additions to the current DHS base budget. These POPs represent the foundation of a needs-based budget and demonstrate what is required to provide a more complete range of the health and human services Oregonians need and deserve.


 View the 2009-2011 POPS 




Budget development process


Public input

Dr. Bruce Goldberg
Six meetings and a videoconference were held throughout the state in April and May 2008 to seek input from Oregonians for the department's proposed 2009-2011 budget.


For more information about the meetings, see the links below.


Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

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