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Occupational Radiation Exposure
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Radiation Exposure Monitoring Systems (REMS) is the database of occupational radiation exposures for all monitored DOE employees, contractors, subcontractors and members of the public. The Rule 10 CFR 835 702 (a) and (b) requires Annual Individual Radiation Exposure Records to be recorded, and reported to the REMS Repository according to procedures provided in DOE Order 231.1A and DOE M 231.1-1A (Chapter 3 and Appendix G). Please note that the revised Manual 231.1-1A is in effect as of 2006.


Newly Released Policy on reporting PII data to REMS
Notice for reporting 2008 radiation exposure records to REMS.
Optional reporting format for the Amendment to 10 CFR 835
Updated 2/11/09 to clarify the inclusion
of non-uniform dose to the skin.
See yellow highlighted text that denotes changes.

2007 Annual Report on Occupational Exposure
On-Line ALARA Project Submittal Form to report ALARA Project Descriptions to REMS.

blue dot bullet Annual Reports:

Occupational Radiation Exposure reports in pdf format since 1992 with analysis of data and trends in data.

blue dot bullet Reporting: Guidance for reporting radiation exposure information to the DOE Headquarters REMS repository.
blue dot bullet Requests: Guidance on how to request information from REMS, including how to request a dose history for an individual.
blue dot bullet REMS: DOE's Radiation Exposure Monitoring System. The query tool provides access to REMS statistical data for analysis.
blue dot bullet Orders and Standards: Contains links to applicable documents for the recordkeeping and reporting of occupational radiation exposure.
blue dot bullet Other Related Sites: Provides links to other DOE and non-DOE web sites for information related to occupational radiation exposure.

For further information on the REMS activities, please contact Nimi Rao.

This page was last updated on May 20, 2009
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