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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

What's New

Fiscal Year 2009 (Oct. 1, 2008 to Sept. 30, 2009)

53 SNAP - Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 SNAP Cost-of-Living Adjustments Aug. 3, 2009

·         USDA Awards $30 Million to States for First Round of FY 2008 High Performance Bonuses

Aug. 3, 2009
51 SNAP - Non-Land-Line Telephone Expenses Allowances and Deductions July 14, 2009
50 Verification Requirements and State Options Chart July 10, 2009
49 8th Edition State Options Report June 2009
48 Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) Eligibility Determination System Readiness Dec. 17, 2008
47 SNAP - Waiving the Face-to-Face Interview and the Rights of Hardship Households June 25, 2009
46 SNAP - Clarifying Income Exclusion Regarding the Summer Youth Employment Opportunities and YouthBuild Program June 24, 2009
45 SNAP - Returned Mail Under Simplified Reporting Systems and Request for Contact Requirements June 1, 2009
44 SNAP - Revised Quality Control (QC) Review Procedures for Guidance on Extension for Afghani Special Immigrants June 1, 2009

SNAP - Funding Education Components in the Employment and Training Program

May 27, 2009
42 ARRA - Clarifications - Employment and Training - Q&A #7 May 21, 2009
41 SNAP - Guidance on Extension for Afghani Special Immigrants May 15, 2009
40 Clarification on Exclusion of Retirement Accounts from Resources May 14, 2009
39 Managing Workload - During time of limited resources and rising caseloads Apr. 28, 2009
38 ARRA - Clarification Regarding the ARRA Disregard and Impact on Overissuances Apr. 17, 2009
37 SNAP - Interim Reporting Requirements for Participants Subject to Simplified Reporting - Clarification Apr. 13, 2009
36 Employment and Training Q&A FY 2009 Apr. 8, 2009
35 ARRA - Certification Provisions - ABAWDs and Additional Issues - Q&A #6 Apr. 2, 2009
34 ARRA: Implementing the Increased Allotments under the ARRA of 2009 for Cases not Affected by a Mass Change Mar. 26, 2009
33 ARRA: Clarifications to Program Accountability and Administration Provisions - Quality Control - Q&A#1 Mar. 19, 2009
32 ARRA: Certification Provisions - ABAWDs and Additional Issues - Q&A #5 Mar. 18, 2009
31 ARRA: Clarifications - Effect on Pledge States for Employment and Training - Q & A #4 Mar. 13, 2009
30 USDA To Award $5 Million in Grants To Increase SNAP Participation Mar. 11, 2009
29 SNAP - Whether Verification of Sponsor's Income is Required to Determine Indigence Mar. 6, 2009
28 ARRA: State Administrative Funding Charts Mar. 6, 2009
27 ARRA: Monitoring State Implementation of Certification and Benefit Provisions Mar. 5, 2009
26 ARRA: Certification Provisions – Affect on ABAWDs’ Time Limit Q&A #3 Mar. 6, 2009
25 ARRA: Certification Provisions - ABAWDs, Temporary Increase in benefits and Work Pay Tax Credit - Q&A #2 Mar. 5, 2009
24 ARRA: Certification Provisions - Client Notices Q&A #1 Mar. 4, 2009
23 ARRA: Handout for Clients (English)
ARRA: Handout for Clients (Spanish)
Feb. 27, 2009
22 ARRA: Benefit Adjustments for Combined Application Projects Feb. 26, 2009
21 Statewide Able Bodied Adults Without Dependent (ABAWD) Waivers Effective Immediately for Eligible States Feb. 25, 2009
20 ARRA: SNAP Implementation Provisions Feb. 23, 2009
19 Adjustments to the Maximum SNAP Monthly Allotments Feb. 18, 2009
18 Changes in FNS Approval of Waivers of the Face-to-Face Interview Requirement Without the Need to Document Hardship Feb. 13, 2009
17 FY 2008 Annual Report - Benefit Redemption Division Feb. 6, 2009
16 Household's Review of Information in Automated Systems - Revised Feb. 03, 2009
15 Paper Food Stamp Coupons To Expire June 17, 2009
-- Information for Clients
-- Information for Retailers
Jan. 26, 2009
14 Certification Policies to Support Workload Management Jan. 9, 2009
13 ABAWD Statewide Waivers - New Criteria for Unemployment Insurance Extended Benefits Trigger Jan. 8, 2009
12 New SNAP Radio Public Service Announcements Dec. 19, 2008
11 Waiver Requests to Eliminate the Interview Requirement Dec. 17, 2008
10 Interim Reporting Requirements for Participants Subject to Simplified Reporting Dec. 8, 2008
9 Extension for Afghani Special Immigrants Dec. 12, 2008
8 Clarifying SNAP Reporting Requirements - "Known to the State agency" Nov. 24, 2008
7 Farm Bill Q&As: Certification Issues #3 Nov. 20, 2008
6 Discrepant Name and Earnings Statement Nov. 13, 2008
5 Amendment of Face-to-Face Interview Waiver Criteria Oct. 28, 2008
4 USDA Announces 2008 Hunger Champion Mentor Awardees Oct. 28, 2008
3 Cost-of-Living Adjustments to the Maximum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Allotments -- Alaska and Hawaii Aug. 26, 2008
2 Cost-of-Living Adjustments to the Maximum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Allotments July 31, 2008
1 Food & Nutrition Act of 2008 Oct. 1, 2008

Fiscal Year 2008 (Oct. 1, 2007 to Sept. 30, 2008)

33 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Sept. 29, 2008
  -- Press Release
-- Newsletter Article
-- Newsletter Paragraph
-- Op-Ed: Putting Healthy Food Within Reach
-- Bites and B-Roll
       Jessica Shahin on SNAP Improvements
       Jessica Shahin on SNAP Partnerships
       Jessica Shahin on SNAP Mission
32 USDA Awards $18 Million to States for Outstanding Customer Service in Nutrition Aid Sept. 26, 2008
31 USDA Grants $5 Million To Increase Access and Participation in Food Stamp Program Sept. 17, 2008
30 Hurricane Response: 2008 Evacuee Policy (REVISED) Sept. 16, 2008
29 Farm Bill Q&As: Certification Issues #2 Aug. 28, 2008
28 2008 Evacuee Policy -- Hurricane Gustav Response Sept. 2, 2008
27 Benefit Adjustments in Combined Application Projects Aug. 14, 2008
26 Farm Bill Q&As: Benefit Issuance Aug. 5, 2008
25 Farm Bill Q&As: Employment and Training Aug. 1, 2008
24 Farm Bill Q&As: Certification Issues #1 July 31, 2008
23 Demonstration Authority Required for Non-Merit Employee Interview July 29, 2008
22 Implementation of Section 4211 (b)(3) of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 July 30, 2008
21 Food Stamp Provisions of the Farm Bill July 3, 2008
20 Revised Program Access Review (PAR) Guide July 2, 2008
  -- PAR Review Tools  
19 USDA Awards $30 Million in States for Exceptional Administration of the Food Stamp Program June 27, 2008
18 Trends in Food Stamp Program Participation Rates: 2000-2006 June 13, 2008
17 FSP Retailer Fraud Alert   (also en español) May 15, 2008
16 Notice Agency Information Collection Activities: FNS–583, Food Stamp Program Employment and Training Program Activity Report May 2, 2008

FSP – Guidance on Iraqi and Afghani Special Immigrants

March 20, 2008
14 Rebates from the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 March 4, 2008
13 FNS Seeks 2008 Food Stamp Program Hunger Champions March 3, 2008
12 Final Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Allocations of the 15 Percent Exemptions for Able- Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDS) – Adjusted for Carryover Feb. 27, 2008
11 Policy Clarification: Deduction Language on Application and Reported Changes Feb. 25, 2007
10 USDA Seeks To Award $5 Million in Food Stamp Program Participation Grants Feb. 14, 2008
  -- Cover Letter
Grant Announcement
9 Guidance on Iraqi and Afghani Special Immigrants Jan. 24, 2008
8 Servicepersons’ Bank Accounts Jan. 18, 2008
7 The Notice of Missed Interview When a Household Has Not Submitted an Application for Recertification Jan. 18, 2008
6 Extension of Food Stamp Income Exclusion - Deployment to a Combat Zone Jan. 18, 2008
5 USDA Announces $1 Million in Food Stamp Outreach Grants Nov. 19, 2007
4 Overuse of the 15 Percent Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) Exemptions by State Agencies Nov. 8, 2007
3 DFSP Post - Disaster Review Requirements Nov. 5, 2007
2 Authority to Operate the Disaster Food Stamp Program Oct. 18, 2007
1 Disaster Food Stamp Program Guidance and Plan Review Oct. 16, 2007

Fiscal Year 2007 (Oct. 1, 2006 to Sept. 30, 2007)

22 FY 2008 Labor Supply Areas (LSA) List Oct. 5, 2007
21 Face-to-Face Interview Waiver Criteria Aug. 24, 2007
20 Fees for Collecting Child Support Aug. 22, 2007
19 Terminating cases when a household does not spend their Food Stamps Aug. 22, 2007
18 Final FY 2007 Allocations of the 15 Percent Exemptions for Able- Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWDS) – Adjusted for Carryover July 18, 2007
17 Disaster Food Stamp Program Guidance May 14, 2007
15 Informational Memorandum on the Thrifty Food Plan, 2007 April 3, 2007
14 -- USDA Food Plans: Cost of Food  
  Deadline for Issuing a Notice of Adverse Action Mar. 27, 2007
13 Use of Federal E&T Funds to Serve Individuals in State Programs Funded With TANF MOE Funds Mar. 22, 2007
12 USDA Announces Availability of $5 Million in FSP Participation Grants Mar. 16, 2007
  -- Cover Letter
-- Grant Announcement
11 FNS Paper: Implications of Restricting the Use of Food Stamp Benefits Mar. 1, 2007
10 Extension of Food Stamp Income Exclusion - Deployment to a Combat Zone Mar. 1, 2007
  -- references a Jan. 14, 2005 Exclusion of Combat Pay letter.  

Current Face-to-Face Interview Policy

Oct. 6, 2006
8 USDA Awards Nearly $1 Million in Food Stamp Outreach Grants to Faith-Based and Community Organizations Dec. 11, 2006
7 6th Edition State Options Report October 2006
6 Reaching Those In Need: State Food Stamp Participation Rates in 2004 Nov. 14, 2006
5 Direct Certification and Verification Grant Solicitation Package Nov. 2, 2006
4 Characteristics of Food Stamp Households: FY 2005 Oct. 18, 2006
3 On-Line Food Stamp Program Applications Oct. 16, 2006
2 Waivers of 7 CFR 273.10(f)(4) – Shortening Certification Periods Oct. 13, 2006
1 Face-to-Face Interview Waiver Criteria Oct. 6, 2006

Fiscal Year 2006 (Oct. 1, 2005 to Sept. 30, 2006)

29 Treatment of Gift Cards for Food Stamp Program Purposes Sept. 11, 2006
28 Client Confidentiality and Group Interviews Sept. 1, 2006
27 Farm Bill Questions and Answers – Set No. 5 Aug. 25, 2006
26 FY 2006 Food Stamp Program Participation Grantee Information Sept. 11, 2006
25 Implementing a Mini–Simplified Food Stamp Program to Replace Food Stamp Work Requirements with TANF Work Requirements Aug. 25, 2006
  -- Q&As on Implementing a Mini–Simplified Food Stamp Program
-- Notification Template
24 Calculating the Program Access Index with the American Community Survey Aug. 2, 2006
  -- Estimating the Number of People in Poverty for the Program Access
    Index: The American Community Survey vs. the Current
    Population Survey
23 Average Estimated EBT Monthly Participation and Issuance for Legal Immigrants (April-June 2006) June 12, 2006
22 Separate Household Status for Disabled Persons June 12, 2006
21 HHS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services State Medicaid Director Letter on verifying citizenship for Medicaid eligibility June 9, 2006
  -- Overview of Guidance on Citizenship Documentation for Medicaid
20 2-Year ABAWD Waivers – Using the Same Area for Multiple Waivers June 2, 2006
19 Medicaid’s Required Documentation of Citizenship; Its Effect on the Food Stamp Program May 12, 2006
18 Federally Subsidized Housing for the Elderly Mar. 14, 2006
17 USDA Announces Availability of $5 Million in Food Stamp Program Participation Grants Mar. 14, 2006
16 Drug Addiction and Alcoholic Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs Mar. 8, 2006
15 Food Stamp Outreach Tool Kits Feb. 28, 2006
14 Expedited Service and Interviews Feb. 17, 2006
13 Waivers of Face-to-Face Interview Summary Jan. 1, 2006
12 2-Year Approval of Waivers of the Work Requirements for ABAWDS Feb. 3, 2006
11 Budgeting Drug Expenses Under the New Medicare Drug Program
(Part D)
Jan. 6, 2006
10 FY 2006 Allocations of the 15 Percent Exemptions for ABAWDS Dec. 21, 2005
9 Standard Utility Allowances for FY 2006 Dec. 15, 2005
8 State Options Report Dec. 7, 2005

Adjusting Standard Utility Allowances for the 2005-2006 Winter

Dec. 9, 2005
6 FY 2006 Food Stamp Outreach Grant Competition Nov. 30, 2006
5 Five new Promising Practices on Program Improvement Page Nov. 9, 2005
4 Final FY 2004 Food Stamp Program High Performance Bonuses Nov. 8, 2005
3 Food Stamp Eligibility for Residents of Assisted Living Facilities with Meal Options Nov. 7, 2005
2 Treatment of Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance and National Flood Insurance Program Payments in Income Eligibility Determinations for Food and Nutrition Service Programs Oct. 29, 2005
1 Policy Clarification: Deduction Language on Application and Reported Changes
Earlier memo: Rights and Responsibilities Language
Oct. 17, 2005
Dec. 18, 1998

Fiscal Year 2005 (Oct. 1, 2004 to Sept. 30, 2005)

40 Press Release: Johanns Announces Award of $18 Million to States for Food Stamp Program Improvement Sept. 29, 2005
39 Press Release:  USDA Awards $5 Million in Food Stamp Participation Grants Aug. 3, 2005
38 Press Release: USDA Announces A Historic Payment Accuracy Rate and Awards $30 Million to States for Exemplary Administration of the Food Stamp Program June 24, 2005
37 Application for Funding to Implement Certification & Verification Procedures for School Nutrition Programs Sept. 30, 2005
36 Proposed Rule: Food Stamp Program: Discretionary Quality Control Provisions of Title IV of Public Law 107–171 Sept. 23, 2005
35 Budgeting Drug Expenses Under the Medicare Drug Discount Card and the New Medicare Drug Program (Part D) on and after January 1, 2006  Aug. 26, 2005
34 Hurricane Katrina Relief Information September 2005
  -- Texas Preparations for Hurricane Rita
-- National Evacuee Policy
-- National Enhanced Policy for Evacuees
-- Questions & Answers 
-- Expanded Disaster Evacuee Policy
-- Disaster Contact Information
-- Special Rules for Accepting Food Stamps
-- Relaxed Procedures for Key-Entered EBT Transactions
-- More USDA Information
33 Transitional Benefits Practices August 2005
32 Maine Waiver Homes Aug. 5, 2005
31 Face-to-Face Interview Waiver Clarification Aug. 8, 2005
30 Fiscal Year 2006 100 Percent Federal Food Stamp Employment and Training Program Grant Allocations (Final) July 19, 2005
29 Benefit Redemption Division - FY 2004 Annual Report Aug. 10, 2005
28 USDA Awards $5 Million in Food Stamp Participation Grants Aug. 3, 2005
27 Important FSP Information Regarding EBT Scams   (spanish version) Aug. 2, 2005
26 FNS—Need To Be Prepared for Requests for Food Stamp Disaster Program June 23, 2005
25 Eligibility of Victims of Severe Trafficking (Originally issued on Aug. 31, 2004)
   -- Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) State Letter
   -- Fact Sheet - Certification for Victims of Trafficking
Aug. 31, 2004
24 Model Job Center (New York)
Added to the Promising Practices on Program Improvement page.
June 15, 2005
23 Impact of the Defense of Marriage Act on Food Stamp Program Eligibility May 6, 2005
22 Food Stamp Employment and Training Program—Bonuses for Job Placements April 7, 2005
21 Food Loss as an Eligibility Factor for the Disaster Food Stamp Program May 5, 2005
20 Mexico’s Matricula Consular Identification Apr. 19, 2005
19 Agreement Checklist for Direct Certification Apr. 19, 2005
18 Revision of the FNS-583 Form, "Food Stamp Employment and Training (E&T) Programs Activity Sheet Apr. 11, 2005
17 Notice: Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request: Food Stamp Program Pre-Screening Tool Survey April 1, 2005
16 Transfer of Data Related to the Child Care and Adult Care Food Programs and the Food Stamp Program Mar. 29, 2005
15 Recalculation of Adjusted FY 2005 15 Percent ABAWD Exemptions Mar. 11, 2005
14 Revised Form FNS-583 March 2005
13 FY 2006 Food Stamp Nutrition Education Plan Guidance March 2005
12 Income Excluded by Federal Law—Disaster Unemployment Assistance Feb. 25, 2005
11 Joint Memo: Food Stamp and Child Nutrition Agreements for Direct Certification Feb. 15, 2005
10 Final Rule:  Food Stamp Program: High Performance Bonuses Feb. 7, 2005
9 FY 2005 Food Stamp Program Participation Grants Jan. 26, 2005
8 FY 2005 Allocations of 15% Exemptions for ABAWDs and Reporting Guidance
   -- Updated State Report Information
Jan. 19, 2005
7 Exclusion of Combat Pay From Income for Food Stamp Purposes Jan. 14, 2005
6 Self-Employment—Newspaper Carriers and Other Independent Contractors Jan. 11, 2005
5 Income Excluded by Federal Law—Disaster Relief Employment Funded Under National Emergency Grants Dec. 22, 2004
4 Online Food Stamp Application Systems must allow for filing an incomplete application Dec. 16, 2004
3 Notice: Proposed Collection: Comment Request: FNS-583, Food Stamp Program Employment and Training Program Activity Report Nov. 12, 2004
2 Calculating the Food Stamp Participant Access Rate: A Step-By-Step Guide Nov. 2004
  -- Entire Report
-- Supporting Tables
1 Guidance on Direct Certification in School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs for School-Age Food Stamp Recipients Oct. 8, 2004


Last modified: 08/07/2009