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TAXPAYER ALERT!: To check the status of your IRS refund, visit To check the status of your
Refund Anticipation Loan, contact the financial institution providing the loan or your tax preparer.


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Inspections & Evaluations

Welcome to the Office of Inspections and Evaluations homepage. TIGTA's Office of Inspections and Evaluations provides a range of specialized services and products, including quick reaction reviews, onsite inspections of an office and in-depth evaluations of a major departmental function, activity or program.

Inspections provide:
  • Factual and analytical information;
  • Monitor compliance; measure performance;
  • Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and operations;
  • Share best practices;
  • Inquire into allegations of fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement.
Evaluations often result in recommendations to streamline operations, enhance data quality, and minimize inefficient and ineffective procedures.

We are looking for motivated professionals interested in working in a fast-paced organizational environment on issues of concern to the Inspector General, the Congress, and others involved in tax administration. Please monitor this web site for vacancy announcements.

Additional content will be posted soon.

Audit Hot Topics
Computer system access controls over contractors need to be improved

Inadequate data on paid preparers impedes effective oversight

Collection actions could be accelerated on some large dollar balance due accounts

Woman sentenced to prison for conspiracy and interference with the Internal Revenue Service

Man arrested upon arrival at Los Angeles airport

Individual charged with unauthorized inspection of tax return information

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Last Updated: Thursday, 11-Sep-2008 09:52:24 EDT
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