Food and Nutrition Service
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Disaster Assistance
Disaster Assistance

Nothing is more important than providing food when people find themselves suddenly, and often critically, in need following a storm, earthquake, flood or other disaster emergency.  USDA makes sure that people have enough to eat.

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) coordinates with State, local and voluntary organizations to:


Provide food for shelters and other mass feeding sites.


Distribute food packages directly to households in need in limited situations.


Issue emergency SNAP benefits.

As part of the National Response Plan, FNS supplies food to disaster relief organizations such as the Red Cross and the Salvation Army for mass feeding or household distribution. State agencies notify USDA of the types and quantities of food that relief organizations need for emergency feeding operations. FNS also authorizes States to operate a Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP).


Human Pandemic Planning

Human Pandemic Planning


Frequently Asked Questions

Bullet Fact Sheet


FNS Contacts



Bullet Tips for handling food following a disaster
Bullet Disaster Program Chart
   -- 2008 FNS Hurricane Response
 -- Midwest Flood Response & Recovery Assistance

FEMA has a FREE email subscription service that delivers news updates and disaster-related information directly to your computer or wireless device.  Click here to sign up.


 Last updated: 07/30/2009

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