United States Department of Agriculture
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Welcome to NRCS Grazing Lands

Updated 08/06/2009

Cover of Tech Note: Profitable Grazing-based Dairy Systems


Well-managed grazing-based dairies help protect soil, water, air, plant, and animal resources by maintaining permanent vegetative cover on the soil, increasing soil organic matter, improving the distribution of nutrients on fields, and reducing the potential for odors, spills, or runoff from concentrated animal housing, feed lots, and waste storage areas. Compared with traditional confinement dairies, grazing-based dairies have more wildlife, more diverse plant communities, and healthier cows with longer productive lives. In addition, grazing-based dairies often boost income by reducing feed, labor, equipment, and fuel costs.

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Cover of Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health

Interpreting Indicators Rangeland Health - Version 4

Version 4 of Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health is the second published edition of this technique. The changes are designed to improve consistency in the application of the process.  The most significant modification is the replacement of the Ecological Reference Area Worksheet with the Reference Sheet.  The reference sheet facilitates consistent application on each ecological site by integrating all available sources of data and knowledge to generate a single range of reference conditions for each indicator. Based on a more thorough review of the literature, the attribute assignment for the litter movement indicator was moved from Hydrologic Function to Soil/Site Stability.

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Cover of National Range and Pasture Handbook Revision 1

National Range and Pasture Handbook - Revision 1

The National Range and Pasture Handbook provide procedures in support of NRCS policy for the inventory, analysis, treatment, and management of grazing land resources. Revision 1 of the handbook contains revisions to incorporate current concepts and format for developing rangeland ecological site descriptions and forage suitability group descriptions. Information was added regarding the effects of vegetation, grazing, and management on rangeland and pastureland hydrology and erosion.

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