DOE Genomes
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Missions Overview

The Role of Living Systems in Energy Production, Environmental Remediation, and Carbon Cycling and Sequestration

The complexity of DOE’s missions requires groundbreaking research and integration across multiple disciplines to create new generations of technologies. In the coming decades, bioscience and biotechnology must play an increasing role in informing policy and decision making and providing innovative solutions. The earth’s living systems are a potential source of capabilities that we can put to use to meet national challenges; their study forms the core of the GTL program.

 Grand Challenges for Biology, Payoffs for the Nation

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Grand Challenges for Biology, Payoffs for the Nation

The ultimate GTL scientific goal is to attain a predictive systems-level understanding of plants and microbes. Each mission area has a distinct technical endpoint and set of subsidiary science goals. These goals define a unique set of research challenges that collectively will require new capabilities and a large body of integrated knowledge.

Energy Challenge

Environmental Remediation

Carbon Cycling and Sequestration