Welcome to the official U.S. Army website for information regarding Total Army Quality (TAQ), the Army's integrated strategic management approach for leading change.  TAQ cultivates incremental and breakthrough improvement, innovation, continuous learning and change, and provides avenues to recognize those who strive for excellence.  This website highlights Army successes in quality managment and reinvention, provides access to DoD and Army policy, doctrine, and guidance that supports TAQ,  and provides tools for organizational improvement.   
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19 Mar 98:



Welcome to the Leading Change Home Page
Implementing Total Army Quality and Supporting Reinvention
Throughout the United States Army

Welcome to the official U.S. Army website for information regarding Total Army Quality (TAQ), the Army’s integrated strategic management approach achieving performance excellence.  TAQ cultivates incremental and breakthrough improvement, innovation, continuous learning and change, and provides avenues to recognize those who strive for excellence.  This website highlights Army successes in quality management and reinvention, provides access to DoD and Army policy, doctrine, and guidance that supports TAQ,  and provides tools for organizational improvement.   

"Ensuring Victory on the Battlefield of Change"

"An Army Of One - Discover Army Job Opportunities"

new.gif (111 bytes) Hot Off the Presses! (Select Item’s Title for More Information)


Proponency for Army Quality Programs has shifted to the Office of the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army.

Any/All contact numbers referenced on this website have been superceded.

For information or assistance on Army Quality Programs contact:

703-602-6118 or 6107 or 703-604-3162

The 2006 APIC is published!

Click here to open the file!

30 July 2006

SMID News is published again!!!

Click on these link to see some of our Newsletters:

      May 2002      Dec 2002     Feb 2004     Sep 2004     Dec 2004    July 2005   Final Edition

Presentation on Army Quality presented on 29 September 2004 at the Virginia Excellence Forum hosted by the Virginia Senate Productivity and Quality Award (SPQA) program.

17 May 2004:

Army Suggestion Program (ASP) launches website!!!

The Army Suggestion Program has launched a website where you can submit your good ideas that will improve Army operations and efficiencies.  Approved suggestions could earn you a cash award.   For information or to submit your suggestion, go to:   https://armysuggestions.army.mil/services/asp/asp_home.cfm.  To access this website you will be prompted to enter a user id and password.  When prompted, you will need to enter your Army Knowledge Online (AKO) user id and password.

While searching for the best methods to link the APIC with Combat Arms, Combat Support, and Combat Service Support units, our newsletter editor happened upon a relevant article.  This is a good reference on how to tie the APIC to Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) assessments. Please take a moment to follow this link to the NCO Journal Online article, a United States Army Sergeant's Major Academy product.  http://usasma.bliss.army.mil/journal/archives/2001/spring/2001spring_articles_apic_help_metl.htm

Announcing DoD’s Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE).  ICE is a web-based system that enables service activities, on installations, to obtain customer satisfaction feedback that can be tailored for each activity.  In addition, ICE is another great tool, in your quality excellence toolkit, to disseminate information about your service activity to your customers!  DoD implemented this system and encourages use of it at no cost to your installation or organization.  Want more information?  Contact our Webmaster at leadingchange@conus.army.mil.  View the article submitted from Fort Riley about their use of ICE.

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"Leading Change" is developed and managed by the Office of Chief of Staff, Army, Vice Director of the Army Staff, Strategic Management and Innovations Division. Copyright © 2000 U.S. Army

Last Revision: 21 April 2009