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Department of Transportation
North Dakota

Civil Rights Program Areas

The North Dakota Department of Transportation is committed to eliminating unlawful discrimination in its state, federal, and federally assisted programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, physical or mental handicap or disability, political opinion or affiliation, status with regard to marriage or public assistance, or participation in lawful activity off the employer's premises during non-working hours which is not in direct conflict with the essential business-related interests of the employer. In addition, the department ensures that all beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries of these programs are offered an equal participation opportunity. The department also protects the civil rights of its employees and applicants for employment.


Civil Rights Division Email Listserv
External Civil Rights Manual pdf file
Forms by Title

Program Areas

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE)
This program is responsible for certification of minority, female, and other socially and economically disadvantaged owned businesses under the rules and regulations of the federal DBE guidelines.
DBE/OJT Supportive Services
The Department of Transportation receives federal funding to provide technical assistance and support to DBE firms to enhance their capabilities, to make them competitive in the project bid process, and to increase their overall effectiveness. The department also uses state funds to provide counseling services under the on-the-job training program and to monitor the progress of the trainees. The department contracts with a consultant to provide this assistance and these services.
Contract Compliance Review Program
This program ensures that federal-aid highway construction projects valued at more than $10,000 include minority and female employees on construction crews. Formal compliance reviews document contractor efforts.
On-the-Job Training Program
This program provides training for minority, female, and economically disadvantaged individuals in the skilled craft classifications used by contractors on highway construction projects.
Labor Compliance Program (Davis-Bacon)
This program ensures that Davis-Bacon wage rates and fringe benefits are paid to highway construction workers on federal-aid contracts valued at more than $2,000 and subsequent subcontracts. Certified payroll monitoring and a formal complaint process document contractor compliance.
Title VI and Nondiscrimination Program
This program ensures that all programs, activities, and services offered to the general public by the Department of Transportation are free from discrimination.
Title VII (Internal EEO) Program
This program ensures that the recruitment and selection of regular and temporary employees for the Department of Transportation is done in a discrimination-free manner; that the work environment is free of discrimination; and includes procedures for the investigation of discrimination complaints. EEO training of all department employees is part of Title VII.

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