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Dept. of Human Services


Job Search Tools

Employment with the State of Oregon

Employer services

If you have room in your business for a motivated employee who truly wants to do the best job possible, we can suggest a candidate with the right skills to fill the position . . .

. . . then we provide the follow-up support to ensure that the work is being done to your satisfaction.

We represent one of Oregon's greatest untapped labor pools: skilled, motivated, responsible men and women — willing workers — who happen to have disabilities. They're not looking for a handout, just the same thing that other job candidates hope for: A chance to prove themselves.

By providing that chance, you can benefit from a program designed to work for everyone.

It works for your business

When you hire workers through Oregon's Rehabilitation Services program, personnel are actively involved throughout the training phase to ensure than new employees meet your performance expectations.

Workers with disabilities are strongly motivated to perform, and studies show that workers with disabilities have lower-than-average on-the-job accident rates and higher-than-average attendance and length of service rates.

Most important, your business benefits from having workers who are happy to be there and who will go the extra mile to demonstrate their skills.

The result for you: trained, reliable, loyal workers — often with labor-cost incentives.

It works for your employees

People with disabilities want to enjoy the sense of independence and self-worth that comes from meaningful employment.

What's more, experience shows that other employees soon accept workers with disabilities, and those workers in turn grow to be active members of the team, promoting better internal cooperation and morale.

It works for your community

With good jobs, people with disabilities become taxpayers, contributing their fair share as productive citizens.

What's more, people who earn a good wage are active consumers, patronizing local merchants and supporting the local economy.

Earning meaningful wages also decreases each person's need for public support, freeing tax dollars for other purposes.

How can OVRS help your business?

If your business wants to tap the OVRS labor pool — or if you simply want more information about our employer services — please contact the branch office nearest you.

We're here to help.


Page updated: September 22, 2007

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