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Biofuels News

USDA and DOE Fund New Projects for Biomass Genomics Research

Departments of Energy and Agriculture jointly selected 7 projects for awards totaling $6.3 million for biobased-fuel research. [July 22, 2009]

Press Release

List of Awardees

DOE-USDA sustainability of biofuels workshop report

Sustainability of Biofuels: Future Research Opportunities is now available. [04/09]


Soya genome sequenced

Biofuel potential spurs U.S. consortium to map DNA of nutritious bean. December 10, 2008, Nature


USDA and DOE release National Biofuels Action Plan [10/08]

Press Release

Download PDF

DOE JGI Director Eddy Rubin highlights the genomics of plant-based biofuels in Nature

Press Release


Fact Sheet

Gas Prices and Oil Consumption Would Increase Without Biofuels, June 11, 2008



Current and projected impacts of biofuels on food and gasoline prices; Samuel W. Bodman, Secretary of Energy and Edward T. Schafer, Secretary of Agriculture; June 11, 2008


More News and Announcements

DOE Mission Focus: Biofuels

In 2007, the President set a goal of reducing gasoline usage in the United States by 20 percent in the next 10 years. To achieve this goal, 15% of the reduction will come from increasing the supply of alternative fuels, and the remaining 5% from making motor vehicles more energy efficient. Displacing 15% of the projected gasoline usage for 2017 will require a rapid expansion of the annual renewable fuel supply from about 5 billion gallons of corn grain ethanol to about 35 billion gallons of alternative fuels from a variety of plant materials including grasses, woodchips, and agricultural wastes.

To address critical scientific barriers that must be overcome to advance the biofuels industry, the U.S. Department of Energy's Genomics:GTL systems biology program is creating a new generation of biological research enabled by the genome revolution. GTL will provide a systems-level approach to understanding and manipulating plants and microorganisms central to producing biofuels. As part of this effort, the Office of Science and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy held a joint workshop on Biomass to Biofuels in December 2005.

The following fact sheets introduce biofuels and their potential for reducing U.S. dependence on petroleum-based transportation fuels, explain the basics of fuel ethanol production and the importance of biotechnology in improving this process, identify some benefits and challenges associated with converting biomass to ethanol, and summarize policy and legislation driving biofuels development.

Biofuels for Transportation

Fuel Ethanol Production

Cellulosic Ethanol: Benefits and Challenges

Biofuels Policy and Legislation