Caltrans Office Engineer

Database Search Information

We have changed our database system to provide a faster, more friendly interface for our contracting partners. On database searches with multiple entry fields, you only need to enter data into a single field to get the results you're searching for. For example, entering only a contract number will return all results for that contract. Entering only the district (04-) will return all records for that district. Entering data in multiple fields will restrict your search results to records which fit all search criteria.

All databases are refreshed nightly from 10 - 11pm, with special case updates pushed when necessary. Generally, data will not be added during the day.

Comma seperated files are available for searchable databases. This is an exact copy of the data available in searchable forms, for those needing that type of information.

Awarded Contracts

Enter contract number: Example: 04-1234u4
Enter Bid Open Date: Example: 2008-07-21
Enter Award Date: Example: 2008-07-21
Enter Contractor Name: Partial names allowed
Search by type of work: Single word or phrase

Please enter a search....