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  • December 19, 2001, Department letter pertaining to the tritium facility operations and site-wide emergency hazard assessment activities at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 18, 2001, Board letter regarding Phase II assessment of the operability of vital safety systems at the defense nuclear facilities relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 17, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Deliverables 16 - 20, and 23 in Implementation Plan 2000-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 14, 2001, Department letter requesting extension to complete report relative to board letter dated October 15, 2001 regarding Integrated Safety Management system at Oak Ridge.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 13, 2001, Department letter informing completion of Commitment 2.4 in 2001-1 Implementation Plan. Commitment 2.4 calls to issue Request for Proposals (RFP) for up to two Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Contractor(s).  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 11, 2001, Remarks by Board Member Joseph DiNunno to the DOE Executive Safety Conference held on December 11, 2001 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C.    [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 11, 2001, Remarks by Board Chairman John T. Conway to the DOE Executive Safety Conference held on December 11, 2001 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 7, 2001, Department letter regarding commencement of Phase II assessments relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 7, 2001, Department letter enclosing two deliverables for Implementation Plan 98-2, Revision 1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 7, 2001, Department letter informing completion of two commitments in Board Technical Report 29, Criticality Safety at Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • December 4, 2001, Board letter responding to Department letter dated November 14, 2001 regarding national security.  [HTM] 
  • November 26, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on a follow-up review of the maintenance program at Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • November 21, 2001, Department letter enclosing the 4th Quarter Status Report for FY 2001 relative to Implementation Plan 97-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • November 21, 2001, Board letter regarding suggestions on the revised Implementation Plan for 94-1 and 2000-1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • November 13, 2001, Department letter enclosing the final report to the Board on Recommendation 98-1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • November 13, 2001, Board announcement of the assignment of Dr. Matthew J. Forsbacka as a Board Site Representative at the Department's Y-12 National Security Complex at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • November 8, 2001, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement on items cited on this letter regarding Integrated Safety Management (ISM).  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • November 5, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on support facilities needed during emergencies at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • November 1, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of 3 commitments identified in Implementation Plan 2001-1. Commitment 2.2 is the Issue Record of Decision (ROD) on Salt Processing Alternatives. Commitment 3.3 is the Tank 49 Available for HLW service. Commitment 3.6 is to Return 2H evaporator to Operations.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • November 1, 2001, Department memorandum regarding Executive Safety Conference scheduled for December 11 - 12, 2001 at Washington, D.C.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 31, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated May 29, 2001 regarding the use of the F-Canyon for plutonium disposition.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 31, 2001, Board letter commending Secretary Abraham for stressing the major and most important responsibilities expected of the Department manager in his speech during the Quarterly Leadership Meeting held on October 15, 2001.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 30, 2001, Department letter responding to a Board letter dated December 1, 1999 regarding quality assurance at National Nuclear Security Administration sites.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 25, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 229 in Implementation Plan 2000-1. Commitment 229 calls for a complete dissolution of RFETS scrub allow at SRS.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 22, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated September 25, 2001 regarding safety basis for the Savannah River Site 242-16H (2H) evaporator.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 15, 2001, Board letter establishing a 45-day reporting requirement relative to the issues raised regarding the implementation of Integrated Safety Management at Oak Ridge.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 10, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on Workforce Analyses, Technical Qualification Program, and Facility Representative Training at Albuquerque Operations Office, Kirtland Area Office, and Los Alamos Area Office.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 2, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated August 14, 2001 regarding the incorporation of the disposition requirements of DOE Order 430.1A in contracts at Hanford.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 2, 2001, Board letter enclosing updated list of Orders of Interest to the Board.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 2, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the observations on the activities at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 2, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the feedback and improvement programs at Hanford Tank Farms.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 2, 2001, Board letter establishing a 30-day reporting requirement providing details on the procedural compliance problem at the Pantex Plant and the corrective actions DOE proposes to resolve this.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 1, 2001, Board letter responding to Department letter dated September 14, 2001 regarding the revised Implementation Plan 2001-1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • October 1, 2001, Discussion Paper by Board Member Joseph DiNunno entitled Ideas for Improving the Department of Energy's Safety Management of Nuclear Facilities.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • September 25, 2001, Board letter responding to Department letter dated September 14, 2001 regarding Justification for Continued Operations for W88 activities at the Pantex Plant.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • September 25, 2001, Board letter regarding canned subassemblies (CSAs).  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • September 25, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the Hydrogen Fluoride Supply System at the Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • September 25, 2001, Board letter regarding the review of the revised safety basis to restart the 242-16H evaporator at the Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • September 24, 2001, Department letter regarding readiness to start new disassembly campaign at the Y-12 Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • September 19, 2001, Department letter providing additional information relative to Board letter dated March 23, 2001 regarding Implementation Plan 2000-1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • September 14, 2001, Department letter regarding issues raised in Board/TECH-24, Safe Handling of Insensitive High Explosive Weapon Subassemblies at the Pantex Plant.  [HTM] 
  • September 14, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated June 28, 2001 regarding Justification for Continued Operations (JCO) of W88 Assembly, Disassembly, and Inspection.  [HTM] 
  • September 14, 2001, Department letter enclosing the Department's revised Implementation Plan 2001-1, High-Level Waste Managment at the Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • September 6, 2001, Board letter regarding the preparations for the Phase I Uranium-233 Inspection and Repackaging Program at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • September 4, 2001, Department letter regarding alternate methodologies in preparing documented safety analyses.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 30, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated August 29, 2000 regarding Hanford River Protection Program High-Level Waste Tank Integrity Project.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 29, 2001, Department letter enclosing the "Project Management Plan for the Y-12 Fire Protection Program Comprehensive Corrective Action Plan".  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 28, 2001, Department letter enclosing BWXT Y-12’s Project Plan for Ten Year Non-MAA Storage Management Program.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 27, 2001, Department letter informing completion of Commitment 10 in 2000-2 Implementation Plan and enclosing the Assessment Criteria and Guidelines to Ascertain the Current Condition of Confinement Ventilation Systems in Defense Nuclear Facilities. Commitment 10 calls for testing the effectiveness of confinement ventilation assessment criteria.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 27, 2001, Board announcement of Dr. Charles R. Martin as the 2001 recipient of the John W. Crawford, Jr. Award for Staff Excellence.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 27, 2001, Board announcement of the assignment of Dr. Thomas D. Burns, Jr. as a Board Site Representative at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 24, 2001, Department letter responding to a Board letter dated July 30, 2001 relative to the selection of a preferred alternative for processing the high-level waste salt solutions and salt cake at the Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 23, 2001, Department letter enclosing two deliverables, Commitment 4.3.7 and 4.4.2, of the 98-2 Implementation Plan, and information regarding the outstanding commitments due through August 2001.  [HTM] 
  • August 23, 2001, Department letter enclosing the third quarter fiscal year 2001 Status Report of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 97-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 22, 2001, Department letter regarding removal of Tank 49 and Tank 50 from Recommendation 96-1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 17, 2001, Department letter regarding a new anticipated delivery date to develop a replacement schedule for the Pantex Plant Fire Alarm System.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 15, 2001, Board staff overheads on Software Quality Assurance.  [HTM] [PDF] 
  • August 14, 2001, Board letter enclosing a Staff Issue Report on Facility Disposition Activities at the Hanford Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 14, 2001, Board letter enclosing observations made by the Board’s staff during their observations of the pilot Phase II assessments of confinement ventilation systems conducted at the Savannah River Site’s H-Canyon and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 8, 2001, Department letter reporting early completion of commitment 223 in Implementation Plan 2000-1. Commitment 223 calls for a complete transfer of HEU solution to double-walled tank.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 8, 2001, Department letter relative to a change in commitment #308 in the 2000-1 Implementation Plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material. Commitment 308 will be changed to 'Complete repackaging all emaining low-risk residues (except wet combustible residues) to meet ISSC by May 2002. Wet combustible residues will be repackaged to meet WIPP requirements by May 2002.'.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 8, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter regarding follow-up questions from the February 2001 public meetings on Integrated Safety Management and providing the Department of Energy Line Management Chains for the National Nuclear Security Agency and Environmental Management.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 7, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 23, 2001 and enclosing a comprehensive set of corrective actions developed by the Rocky Flats Field Office.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 1, 2001, Department letter providing an interim response to Board letter dated June 28, 2001 regarding W88 Disassembly and Inspection operations.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 1, 2001, Department letter forwarding information concerning Commitments 2 and 5 relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • August 1, 2001, Department letter forwarding information concerning Commitment 5 relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 30, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on Salt Processing at Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 30, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated May 24, 2001 and providing that the Department will submit a revised Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2001-1, High-level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site by September 15, 2001.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 26, 2001, Department letter providing an interim response to the Board letter dated May 29, 2001 relative to hazardous material storage at the Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 26, 2001, Department letter providing an interim response to Board letter dated June 28, 2001 regarding the new dismantlement campaign at the Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 25, 2001, Department letter enclosing the Office of Environment, Safety and Health's Operating Experience (OE) Summary.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 25,2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated December 21, 1999 and enclosing the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) corrective action plan and current status of the corrective actions.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 23, 2001, Department letter to thank the Board for the letter dated July 18, 2001 on the Facility Representative Program.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 23, 2001, Department letter enclosing the April 1 through June 30, 2001 Quarterly Report for the 98-2 Implementation Plan.  [HTM] 
  • July, 23, 2001, Board announcement of the assignment of Dr. Charles Keilers as the Board's site Representative at the Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 23, 2001, Board announcement of a Public Meeting on Quality Assurance scheduled for August 15, 2001 at 9:00 AM, EST, at the Board's Public Hearing Room.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 20, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated May 29, 2001 regarding concerns relative to feasibility of transferring the americium and curium (Am/Cm) solution in F-Canyon at the Savannah River Site to high-level waste (HLW) for vitrification in the Defense Waste Processing Facility.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 20, 2001, Department letter providing a detailed description of Richland Operations Office's progress in stabilizing and packaging the alloy materials as committed to in the Department's 2000-1 Implementation Plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 20, 2001, Board letter enclosing three (3) staff issue reports, (1) Electrical and Instrumentation and Control Systems, HB-Line Phase II, (2) Chemical Process Safety, HB-Line Phase II, and (3) Fire Protection Review, HB-Line Phase II, at Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 20, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on review of Approved Container Program at the Pantex Plant.  [HTM] 
  • July 20, 2001, Board letter outlining issues that still must be resolved to achieve the criticality infrastructure envisioned by the Board in Recommendation 97-2, Criticalty Safety.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 19, 2001, Department letter providing information on commitments 17, 18, and 19 of Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems. Commitment 17 calls for federal expertise to ensure effective oversight of contractor safety systems at defense nuclear facilities. Commitment 18 calls for a report identifying DOE needs for federal technical personnel determined in Commitment 17. Commitment 19 calls for changes to the Technical Qualification Program.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 18, 2001, Board letter commending the Department of Energy's Facility Representative Program.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 17, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the safety basis for the Joint Actinide Shock Physics Experimental Research (JASPER) facility at the Nevada Test Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 11, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 27 of Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • July 10, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 4 of Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 29, 2001, Department letter enclosing implementation plan (IP) for improved Technical Safety Requirement (TSR) controls for fire protection at the Pantex Plant as closure of Commitment 4.3.1, DOE-approved BIO Module on Fire Protection and associated TSR and develop a resource-loaded schedule for implementation of improved TSR controls for fire protection  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 28, 2001, Board letter establishing two reporting requirements, (1) a 30-day reporting requirement documenting a technically defensible analysis of the scenarios discussed in the Justification for Continued Operations (JCO) of W88 Assembly, Disassembly, and Inspection in Building 12-85, and (2) 60-day reporting requirement that outlines corrective measures relative to NNSA guidelines for the use and application of weapon response data.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 28, 2001, Board letter providing a 60-day reporting requirement on the corrective actions raised in the enclosed staff report on National Nuclear Security Administration's Readiness Assessment of the New Y-12 Disassembly Campaign.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 22, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the implementation of lightning protection controls at the Pantex Plant.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 21, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 304 of Implementation Plan 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 21, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the safety basis documentation to restart W78 Disassembly and Inspection operations at the Pantex Plant.  [HTM] 
  • June 21, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the Department's Electrical Safety Program.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 21, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on Pantex Fire Protection Basis for Interim Operation.  [HTM] 
  • June 21, 2001, Board letter formally closing Recommendation 90-2, Codes and Standards.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 21, 2001, Board letter commending Mr. John Eschenberg, 2000 Department of Energy Facility Representative of the Year, and the Facility Representative Program.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 15, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 15, 2001 regarding concerns relative to the maintenance program at the Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 15, 2001, Department letter regarding the Pantex Plant Fire Alarm System relative to the revised Implementation Plan 98-2 of September 25, 2000.  [HTM] 
  • June 12, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 23, 2001 regarding Implementation Plan 2000-1 Revision 1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 7, 2001, Board letter regarding the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) Plutonium Stabilization and Packaging System (PuSPS) in Building 371.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 4, 2001, Department letter enclosing a memorandum regarding 100 Percent Quality Assurance Testing of HEPA Filters at the Filter Test Facility in relation to Board Technical Report 23 and Implementation Plan 2000-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • June 4, 2001, Department letter enclosing the final report on Fire Hazard Analysis of Canned Subassemblies.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 30, 2001, Department letter responding to Board Tech-29, Criticality Safety at Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 29, 2001, Board letter responding to Mr. Fred Humes, Director of the Economic Development Partnership in Aiken, South Carolina regarding Rec. 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 29, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the evaluation of the electrical and instrumentation and control system at the L-Area Experimental Facility (LEF) at the Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 29, 2001, Board letter requesting the Department to review and provide a written response regarding the Plan for the Transfer of All Long-Term Chemical Separation Activities from the F-Canyon to the H-Canyon Facility at the Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 29, 2001, Board letter providing a 45-day reporting requirement to address Board concerns on the Department's plan to transfer the vitrification of the americium and curium (Am/Cm) solution in the F-Canyon Multi-Purpose Processing Facility to the high-level waste tank farms in the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF).  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 29, 2001, Board letter providing a 60-day reporting requirement to answer follow-up questions from the Public Meetings held in February 2001 on Recommendations 95-2, 98-1, and 2000-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 29, 2001, Board letter providing a 90-day reporting requirement on staff-generated issues regarding the material storage facilities at the Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 24, 2001, Board letter providing suggested course of action for DOE revision of 2001-1 Implementation Plan on Savannah River Site High Level Waste Management.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 22, 2001, Department letter regarding the upgrade of the emergency power for the Zone 1 ventilation system in PF-4 at LANL Technical Area-55.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 21, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated April 30, 2001 on the quality and adequacy of the authorization bases for the defense nuclear facilities at the Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 18, 2001, Department letter enclosing a status report on the issues raised in the Board's Technical Report-25, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software at the Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 18, 2001, Department letter enclosing Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2001-1, High Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 16, 2001, Department letter reporting on the completion of two commitments in Implementation Plan 2000-1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 15, 2001, Department letter enclosing a deliverable for Commitment 13 of Implementation Plan 2000-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 14, 2001, Department letter forwarding the 2nd Quarterly Status Report for FY 2001 in relation to Implementation Plan 97-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 10, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the final design review of the Melton Valley Transuranic Waste Project at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 7, 2001, Department (NNSA) memorandum on interactions with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 3, 2001, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the resolution of technical issues in support of Waste Feed Delivery at the Hanford Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 3, 2001, Board letter requesting to be briefed on actions to resolve issues associated with lack of requirements in the standard for glovebox ambient conditions and the use of SFE for moisture measurements in relation to Recommendation 94-1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • May 1, 2001, Department letter regarding Pantex Fire Alarm System.  [HTM] 
  • April 30, 2001, Department letter providing information on the commitments due April 2001 in relation to Implementation Plan 98-2, Revision 1.  [HTM] 
  • April 30, 2001, Board announcement of a Public Meeting on Quality Assurance scheduled for May 23, 2001 at 9 AM at the Board's Public Hearing Room.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 30, 2001, Board Draft Public Meeting Agenda on Quality Assurance scheduled for May 23, 2001.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 30, 2001, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement on the Department's and its contractor's path forward for addressing the issues outlined in the enclosed issue report on Integrated Hazard Analysis at the Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 25, 2001, Department letter designating Mr. Charles E. Anderson as the Responsible Manager for implementation of Recommendation 96-1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 23, 2001, Letter for Chairman Conway from Fred Humes, Director of the Economic Development Partnership regarding Recommendation 2001-1, High Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 20, 2001, Department letter regarding Fire Protection Program at the Y-12 Plant.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 20, 2001, Department letter regarding the Board's concerns about the fire response of certain Canned Subassemblies (CSAs) at Pantex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 20, 2001, Department letter regarding seismic design criterial for the pit disassembly and conversion facility.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 20, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 5, 2001 regarding concerns on Enhanced Transportation Cart (ETC) relative to Recommendation 98-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 19, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Commitment 9 of Implementation Plan 2000-2. It proposes closure of said commitment. Commitment 9 is the Assessment Criteria and Guidelines to Ascertain the Current Condition of Confinement Ventilation Systems.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 19, 2001, Department letter enclosing the Savannah River Site Canyon Nuclear Material Identification Study.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 18, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated March 15, 2001 regarding concerns with the maintenance program at Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 10, 2001, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement on the proposed statistical methodology ('95 percentile methodology').  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 9, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated January 22, 2001 on the design and construction projects for defense nuclear facilities at Los Alamos National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 9, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter on thermal stabilization activities in Building 707 at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS).  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 4, 2001, Board letter for Mr. Leroy M. Duenes of Idaho Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), expressing appreciation for his attendance and participation in the public meeting on February 13, 2001.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • April 2, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Deliverable 15 in relation to Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 15 calls for the Department to institute the System Engineer concept in directives.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 30, 2001, Department letter providing information on commitments due and outstanding in relation to Implementation Plan 98-2 and proposing closure of commitments indicated as complete.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 29, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on tritium operations and emergency hazard assessment at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 26, 2001, Board letter forwarding Technical Report 31, Engineering Quality Into Safety Systems.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 23, 2001, Board letter requiring modifications on the revised Implementation Plan 2000-1. It establishes a 60-day reporting requirement identifying the items stated in the Board letter.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 23, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the safety management during thermal stabilization activities at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 23, 2001, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 21, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on Americium/Curium Stabilization Project at Savannah River Site.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 15, 2001, Department letter forwarding information regarding Deliverable 20 relative to Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 20 calls for an annual review of the results of environment, safety and health assessments.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 15, 2001, Department letter enclosing the AL-R8 Sealed Insert pit repackaging status report for the 1st Quarter of FY 2001 in accordance with Implementation Plan 99-1.  [HTM] 
  • March 15, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the maintenance program at the Y-12 National Security Complex.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 14, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Deliverables 2 and 3 in relation to Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 2 calls for a list of vital safety systems at defense nuclear facilities for the Federal Technical Capability Panel. Commitment 3 calls for the completion of Phase 1 assessments of safety class, confinement ventilation, and fire protection systems at priority facilities in Appendix E of the implementation plan.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 11, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated February 27, 2001 on the implementation of Seamless Safety for the 21st Century (SS-21) for the W76 and W88 nuclear explosive operations at the Pantex Plant.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 11, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated February 27, 2001 regarding Seamless Safety for the 21st Century (SS-21) for the W76 and W88 nuclear explosive operations at the Pantex Plant.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 9, 2001, Department letter forwarding a classified report on Y-12 W56 Dismantlement Campaign (U).  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 7, 2001, Board Draft Public Meeting Agenda on Quality Assurance scheduled for March 28, 2001.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 6, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitments 205 and 206 in Implementation Plan 2000-1. Commitment 205 calls to complete conceptual design and 206 calls to begin design for 235-F Stabilization subproject.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 6, 2001, Department letter enclosing a set of eleven recent reports forwarded from the Office of Independent Environment, Safety and Health Oversight.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 5, 2001, Department letter enclosing the Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS) Secretary's Quarterly Report for the 1st Quarter of FY 2001.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 5, 2001, Board letter urging the Department to revise the plan to expedite the design, procurement, and delivery of the Enhanced Transportation Carts (ETCs) to meet the intent of Recommendation 98-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 5, 2001, Board letter enclosing Board/Technical Report 30, Safety Review of the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project During the Design and Construction Phase.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 5, 2001, Board letter enclosing Board/Technical Report 29, Criticality Safety at Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities. It establishes a 60-day reporting requirement detailing the Department's path forward for addressing the observations outlined in the enclosed technical report.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • March 1, 2001, Board announcement of a Public Meeting on quality assurance within the Department's nuclear defense facilities, scheduled for March 28, 2001 at the Board Public Hearing Room at 9:00 A.M.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • February 28, 2001, Department letter providing information on outstanding commitments due January and February 2001 and proposing closure of completed commitments relative to Implementation Plan 98-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • February 27, 2001, Board letter enclosing 2 staff issue reports on reauthorization of W88 assembly and disassembly and inspection, and implementation of seamless safety for W76 disassembly and inspection operations.  [HTM] 
  • February 22, 2001, Department letter informing the Board of the DOE 452 Orders to be published in May 2001 relative to Implementation Plan 98-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • February 22, 2001, Department letter enclosing the quarterly status report for the first quarter, fiscal year 2001 relative to Implementation Plan 97-2.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • February 21, 2001, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 14 of Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 14 calls for an interim direction to designate Systems Engineers for vital safety systems.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • February 16, 2001, Board letter enclosing a list of Board questions relative to the Public Meeting which will reconvene on February 22, 2001.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • February 15, 2001, Department letter responding to Board letter dated May 2, 2000 on the evaluation of systemic deficiencies in the fire hazards analyses and controls at Pantex.  [HTM] 
  • February 13, 2001, Board announcement of the continuation of the 14th quarterly open meeting conducted on February 13, 2001 relative to Recommendations 95-2, 98-1, and 2000-2, to be held on February 22, 2001 at 9 AM.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 31, 2001, Department letter providing information on outstanding commitments due relative to Implementation Plan 98-2, Revision 1.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 31, 2001, Department letter updating the Board on the Y-12 W56 dismantlement campaign.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 31, 2001, Department letter forwarding information on Deliverables 2, 14, 27, 28, 29 under Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 2 calls for a list of vital safety systems for the Federal Technical Capabilities Panel. Commitment 14 calls for an interim secretarial guidance on establishing system engineers. Commitments 27 and 29 call for the path forward on HEPA filter testing policies and the consolidation or closing of filter testing facilities. Commitment 28 calls for maintaining operation and finding of the Filter Test Facility. It proposes closure of deliverable 28.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 30, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the proposed changes to lightning controls for W87 Stockpile Life Extension Program.  [HTM] 
  • January 29, 2001, Department letter responding to the Board's letter dated October 23, 2000 on concerns involving lightning controls at the Pantex Plant.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 29, 2001, Department letter forwarding a report on Initial Joint Review of Wildland Fire Safety at Department of Energy Sites. This is a deliverable under implementation plan 2000-2 commitment 12.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 26, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on authorization bases at Los Alamos National Laboratory  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 23, 2001, Department letter proposing closure of completed Commitment 1 in Implementation Plan 2000-2. Commitment 1 calls for conducting operability assessments of vital safety systems at certain facilities listed in the implementation plan.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 23, 2001, Board letter identifying unresolved issues at Y-12 Plant.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 22, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on design and construction projects for defense nuclear facilities at Los Alamos National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 19, 2001, Department letter enclosing Revision 1 of Implementation Plan 2000-1, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Materials.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 16, 2001, Department letter regarding the Department's Integrated Nuclear Materials Management Plan.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 11, 2001, Department letter enclosing the AL-R8 Sealed Insert Container Surveillance Report for Fiscal Year 2000, a deliverable in the 99-1 Implementation Plan.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 10, 2001, Board announcement of a Public Meeting on Recommendation 95-2, 98-1, 2000-1, and 2000-2, scheduled for February 13, 2001 at the Board Public Hearing Room at 9:00 A.M.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 9, 2001, Department letter responding to a Board staff issue report regarding electrical, instrumentation and control, and fire protection systems at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 9, 2001, Department Memorandum for distribution on the management structure for actions under Implementation Plan 2000-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 8, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on integrated hazard analysis at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and establishing an 81-day reporting requirement for a briefing on corrective actions.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 8, 2001, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on fire protection program at the Fernald Environment Management Project.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 
  • January 2, 2001, Department letter informing the Board of the completion of the 4 remaining commitments in Implementation Plan 94-2 - Issuance of Idaho Natinal Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Radioactive Waste Management Complex Disposal Authorization Statement, Nevada Operations Office submission of NTS Area 5 Composite Analysis, HQ Review of the NTS Area 5 Composite Analysis, and Issuance of NTS Area 5 Disposal Authorization Statement.  [HTM] [PDF] [WPD] 

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