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U.S. History Topics » Famous People » Leaders

Marcus Garvey: Look for Me in the Whirlwind

presents interview clips, a timeline, an online forum of scholars, information about people and events in the film, and a teachers' guide about this immigrant laborer who, in the early 1900s, rose to lead the largest black organization in history, was taken to prison in handcuffs, and was eventually deported. (WGBH, National Endowment for the Humanities)

   Go to this website
Marcus Garvey and other Universal Negro Improvement Association leaders on parade.

Leaders on parade

 This website also appears in:
U.S. History Topics »  Ethnic Groups »  African Americans
U.S. History Topics »  Movements »  Civil Rights
U.S. Time Periods »  1914-1945: World Wars » 

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