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Feature video

Dallas-based international hotel chain replaces the fluorescent bulbs it currently uses in its hotels with low-mercury bulbs. The company will also recycle the mercury from any bulb it replaces.(click to play) More

Affordable and "green" house in Jericho Road ProjectBuilding green for fewer greenbacks
New Orleans group proves sustainable and affordable can go together. More

Street-level view of city trafficCars and air
One vehicle’s emissions impact our air quality. More

Aerial view showing diversion point on Ouachita River.Letting a river run its course
EPA grant helps monitor results of floodplain restoration. More
clouds Sign up for Texas air quality updates.

Why is EPA fining these little oil field operations?
Some operators ignore water pollution prevention rules. More

Louisiana property to be taken off contaminated sites list
EPA cleaned up arsenic, other pollutants from Central Wood Preserving Superfund site. More

Recent News Releases

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Texas Air Settlement
Public Comment OpensCalendar page showing August 31,

EPA and business group reached an agreement regarding the timing of federal review of the Texas’ air permitting program. Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID number EPA-HQ-OGC-2009-0560, online or e-mail.

Federal Register Notice [PDF] | Press Release

Brownfields 2009
New Orleans - November 16-18, 2009
Register today.

300-Day Plan

Our communities have placed their trust in us to protect their land, air and water. They expect measurable environmental results and transparency. Our Region 6 300-Day Plan for 2009 (PDF) (4 pp, 75K, About PDF) outlines how we will join with our partners to achieve the shared priorities outlined in this plan.

2008 400-Day Plan Accomplishments

Our 2008 400-Day Plan Accomplishments (PDF) (4 pp, 75K, About PDF) report tracks how the Region did in meeting the goals of our previous strategic plan.

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EPA Region 6 Implementing The 2009 Recovery Act
Region 6

Larry Starfield (Acting)

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