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Key Performance Measures
About Us
In 2007 the KPM processes and administration changed hands, moving from the Oregon Progress Board to be jointly managed by the Department of Administrative Services' Budget and Management Division and the Legislative Fiscal Office.

APPR Reporting
A complete APPR includes:
  • List of existing KPMs and Proposed Changes (formally the table of measures),
  • Executive Summary,
  • Data Analysis; and
  • Data Uses Sections. 
At this time, the KPM system allows you to print reports on existing KPMs and Proposed Changes.  Given this, early submitters need only include these reports with their ARB. 
For August 1 submitters, you do not have to include a copy of your complete Annual Performance Progress Report (APPR) with your ARB binder. You will have until August 15, 2008 to input your APPR information into the system.  When FY 2008 data is not available until later, please provide historic information and a note (in the “strategy” field) to explain when data will be available. 
Once your reports are complete, please send a note to your BAM and LFO Analysts so they may print out the report, review it and file it in their binders.
For September 1 submitters, you do have to include a copy of your complete Annual Performance Progress Report (APPR) with your ARB binder. When FY 2008 data is not available until later, please provide historic information and a note (in the “strategy” field) to explain when data will be available. 

Customer Service Graph
There have been several agencies experiencing difficulties with the Customer Service Graph, below are helpful instructions.  
At the bottom of the Customer Service KPM you will see this question:
  • Is Graph for Customer Satisfaction?  NO YES
You will need to select yes and save the KPM.
Once you enter this KPM again the you will need to input:
  1. Service Criteria: timeliness, overall, accuracy, availability of information, expertise and helpfulness
  2. Year
  3. Actual
  4. Please e-mail Christine Samples and she will enter your target if one has been set
Once this is done your Customer Service graph will appear in your APPR report. 
If it your agency does not have Three Years of Data to enter please follow these instructions.

New Online Reporting
The new online KPM reporting system went LIVE April 7th, 12:00 Noon, PST.
The system is in development, our primary objective is that the KPM Change fields will be available to ADD, DELETE and DELETE-REPLACE. Below you will find step-by-step directions to Add, Delete and Delete-Replace.
The system should be fairly intuitive in operation. We suggest that initially just take a bit of time and navigate around within the information for your agency, to become familiar with the system. If you have multiple changes, try the simplest one first.
Propose a New KPM (pdf)
Propose to Delete a KPM (pdf)
Upload your KPMs in our Excel Template (pdf)
View & Print Reports (pdf)
Printing in Adobe pdf

KPM listserv
To sign up to join the KPM e-mail list and receive exciting KPM news please follow the link below:

Contact Us
Systems Issues             
Jonathan Hiatt 
KPM Technical Issues
Christine Samples
(503) 378-8996
Policy, Procedure and General Complaints or Concerns
Rick Gardner
(503) 378-3117


2007-09 Reports

Online Reporting

Online KPM Reporting System


KPM Resources
Page updated: October 01, 2008

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