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Be merry with a new PC

10 tips for buying a laptop

Is a new laptop on your holiday shopping list? Whether you're shopping for someone else or for yourself (you've been especially good this year, right?), here are 10 things to keep in mind as you do your research and get ready to buy. From test driving potential PCs in the store, to knowing your warranty options and the store's return policy, we'll help you find the perfect laptop this holiday season.

1. Getting started

Not sure what you’re looking for? Do "RAM" and "processor" sound like Greek? Our interactive guide will take you through a quick laptop crash course and recommend a set of PCs based on your needs. We'll even provide a handy sheet customized just for you that you can print out and keep for reference.

2. Test drive

Would you buy a car without taking it for a quick spin? Visit your local retailer to get up close and personal to the PC you’re eyeing and don’t be afraid to ask the salesperson for some time on your own. Take your time to see if you like the way it feels, think up additional questions, or consult with that expert friend you brought along.

3. Ask to see a laptop with similar features.

With two models side by side, you may find that one is clearly superior or a better fit for you. You can also get a head start and compare some of our top PCs virtually here.

4. Don't panic about price differences.

Two laptops can look identical but differ greatly in performance. Ask about the specifications of two laptops that look the same but vary wildly in price. If the specs match, you might be onto a good deal. Most likely, prices differ for reasons like processor quality, storage, installed software, and unique features like solid-state drives (SSDs).

5. Check out the different editions of Windows 7

Windows 7 is Microsoft's latest and greatest operating system. Whether you’re a media buff, someone who dangerously walks the line between work and play, or you just want it all, there’s an edition of Windows 7 just for you. Read up on Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, and Ultimate and scan a handy side-by-side chart here.

6. Ask about the cost of upgrades like more RAM, a bigger hard drive, a Blu-ray movie player, and more.

For a little extra, you can boost your laptop's capabilities, so be sure to ask these questions. It's cheaper to buy extra RAM when you buy the laptop. If you think you'll use it, get it now rather than later. If you're buying online, you can usually add upgrades. You also might do a little research ahead of time to make sure you're getting a good deal on the extras.

7. Know what accessories are included.

Remember what it's like to get a gift that needs batteries only to discover that batteries aren't included? Don't let that happen to you with your new laptop. Be sure to ask what's included, and make sure that everything is in the box. If you need a keyboard, mouse, or cable, you'll want to get them at the store before you get home and unpack your new laptop.

8. Know your warranty options.

Check out the manufacturer's standard warranty first. Many problems, if any, happen right away or within the first few months of use, so a manufacturer's warranty (which typically lasts a year) will give you coverage without the need to pay for an extended warranty. But you also need to think about how hard you are on your laptop. Do you travel a lot? Do you have a herd of Great Danes? An extended warranty can be valuable insurance if you think your computer may experience some extra wear and tear.

9. Ask about the store's return policy.

Many stores offer a 14- to 30-day grace period during which you can return a product for a full refund, no questions asked. Some stores will charge a restocking fee, however, so make sure you ask about that too.

10. It's easy to switch over from your old computer to your new laptop.

We've got some great resources and tools to simplify your switch once you've found your perfect PC. You can transfer over all your data with Windows Easy Transfer (see page for details and instructions). And the Compatibility Center is there for you to figure out which of your favorite programs will run on your new machine as is, along with which ones just need some upgrades.

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