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About the Department of Human Services


To provide quality, efficient, and effective human services, which improve the lives of people.

Department's Role

Quick Facts

Department of Human Services Strategic Plan (2008)

The Department's Strategic Plan. (79kb pdf) It is updated periodically to reflect newly identified trends, goals, and action steps.

Other Publications

To learn more about the department, view the Biennial Report (5.91 Mb pdf). To locate publications about the department (DHS) including the Executive Summary (23kb pdf)and Final Summary Report: 2007 Public Stakeholder Meeting Comments (110kb pdf), or division-specific publications, please see the Publications section.

Departmental Structure

The department is an umbrella agency headed by Executive Director Carol K. Olson who was appointed by the governor. The department is organized into three major subdivisions consisting of Field Services, Program and Policy Management, and Managerial Support. (org chart) (17kb pdf)

Other Information

Careers at DHS
The North Dakota Department of Human Services employs about 2000 people across North Dakota. Announcements of job openings are available at Job Service North Dakota offices, college and university job placement centers, and on the state's Human Resource Management Services Web site.
Human Services Directories
The directories are not all inclusive, but may be useful to locate social service agencies and other resources.
Department of Human Services news releases are listed by date issued.

Contact Information

North Dakota Department of Human Services
600 East Boulevard Avenue, Dept 325
Bismarck N.D. 58505-0250
Phone: (701) 328-2310
Toll Free: (800) 472-2622
TTY: (701) 328-3480
Fax: (701) 328-2359


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