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2007-2008 Interim Testimony

Testimony by N. D. Department of Human Services staff members before Legislative Interim Committees is listed below. Testimony is posted by committee, and is listed by date. For convenience, presenter and subject information is included.

Detailed information about committee responsibilities, membership, and upcoming meetings, is listed on the Legislative Council Web site at www.legis.nd.gov/council/interim/2007-2008.html

List By Committee:

Administrative Rules Committee

Department Testimony
June 11, 2008 Julie Leer, Legal Services Unit Child Support Guidelines 75-02-04.1

Budget and Finance Committee

Department Testimony
Sept. 23, 2008 Brenda Weisz, Chief Financial Officer Status of the 2007-2009 Dept. of Human Services Budget

Budget Section

Department Testimony
December 3, 2008 Jennifer Witham, Information Technology Services Division Medicaid Systems Project Update
June 18, 2008 Jennifer Witham, Information Technology Services Division Medicaid Systems Project Update
October 30 , 2007 Jennifer Witham, Information Technology Services Division Medicaid Management Information System
October 30 , 2007 Jennifer Witham, Information Technology Services Division Enhancements to county eligibility systems for economic assistance programs
June 27, 2007 Jennifer Witham, Information Technology Services Division Medicaid Management Information System

Commission on Alternatives to Incarceration

Department Testimony
August 13, 2008 Don Snyder, Children and Family Services Division Short-term crisis intervention programs
November 21, 2007 Nancy McKenzie, Regional Human Service Centers Regional Human Service Centers Status of drug court efforts and collaboration between DHS and the Dept of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DOCR)

Correctional Facility Review Committee

Department Testimony
February 19, 2008 Alex Schweitzer Senate Bill 2136 Update: Interagency agreement for the provision of safety and security services at the State Hospital's sex offender treatment unit

Higher Education Committee

Department Testimony
August 20, 2008 Linda Wright, Aging Services Services for people who are deaf or hearing impaired

Human Services Committee

Department Testimony
October 16, 2008 Brenda Weisz, Chief Financial Officer Status of 2007-2009 budget, number of clients transferring from the Developmental Center, and case management
October 16, 2008 Erik Elkins, Medical Services Division Long-term care bed capacity
October 16, 2008 Karen Larson, Medical Services Division Infant development funding and rate setting
July 1, 2008 Erik Elkins, Medical Services Division Dental access and Medicaid
July 1, 2008 Brendon Joyce, Medical Services Division Findings and Recommendations of the Drug Utilization Review Board regarding 2007 House Bill 1422
July 1, 2008 Brendon Joyce, Medical Services Division Medicaid prescription expenditures
April 1, 2008 Carol Cartledge, Public Assistance Director Report on Alternatives to Abortion Services
January 9 , 2008

Debra Balsdon

Infant Development Program Study
January 9, 2008

Carol Cartledge, Economic Assistance Policy Division

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) update
November 6 , 2007

Carol Cartledge, Economic Assistance Policy Division

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) update (block grant amount, TANF fund uses, statistical information)
November 6 , 2007

Debra McDermott, Fiscal Administration Division

Changes in grant costs and county administrative costs for economic assistance programs resulting from the "swap" agreement (1997)
November 6 , 2007

Jennifer Witham, Information Technology Services Division

Medicaid Management Information System update
November 6 , 2007

Maggie Anderson, Medical Services Division

State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) annual report
November 6 , 2007

Brendan Joyce, Medical Services Division

Drug Utilization and Review Board
July 18 , 2007

Carol Cartledge, Economic Assistance Policy Division

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families study
July 18, 2007 JoAnne Hoesel, Program & Policy Divisions Infant Development Program study

Information Technology Committee

Department Testimony
August 27, 20008 Mike Schwindt Report: Child Support Enforcement Program Awards and Recognition
June 5, 20008 Jennifer Witham Project Startup Reports: Master Client Index, Children And Family Services Front End Medicaid Continuous Eligibility
November 16, 20007 Jennifer Witham Project Startup Report:Medicaid Systems Project Update
November 16, 20007 Jennifer Witham Children with Disabilities & Project Startup Report: Medicaid Management and Administrative Reporting Projects
November 16, 20007 Jennifer Witham Closeout Report: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Diversion Project

Judicial Process Interim Committee

Department Testimony
June 24, 2008

Mike Schwindt, Child Support Enforcement

Child support enforcement collections and license suspensions
September 19, 2007

Julie Hoffman, Administrator of Adoption Services

SCR 4028 - Paternity Registry study

Long Term Care Committee

Department Testimony
September 18, 2008 Dr. Mariah Tenamoc , Decision Support Services Unit Outline of Aging 2020 plan and long-term care trends
September 18, 2008 Wanda Bye, Vocational Rehabilitation Services Update on Vocational Rehabilitation Activities Regarding Youth Transitioning to Adult Services
September 18, 2008 Susan Wagner, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services Update on Activities Involving the Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services and Children and Family Services Divisions regarding Youth Transitioning to Adult Services
May 20, 2008 Brenda Weisz, Chief Financial Officer Federal Medical Assistance Percentage update
May 20, 2008 Linda Wright, Aging Services Division Aging and Disability Resource Center update
May 20, 2008 Wanda Bye, Vocational Rehabilitation Services Transition services for youth
November 7 , 2007 Maggie Anderson, Medical Services Division Long term care service report; 2) handout 2005-2007 biennium expenditures; 3) handout: 2007-2009 appropriation
November 7, 2007 Amy Armstrong, Minot State University Report: N.D. Real Choice Systems Change Grant outcomes
November 7, 2007 Linda Wright, Aging Services Aging and Disability Resource Center update (a single point of entry to the continuum of long-term care services)
November 7, 2007 Helen Funk , Aging Services Long Term Care Ombudsman Report - notification requirements for basic care facilities and nursing homes
November 7, 2007 Carol K. Olson, DHS Executive Office Olmstead Commission report
November 7, 2007 Judy Tschider, Aging Services Division National Family Caregiver Support Program update
November 7, 2007 Lauren Sauer, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services Identifying youth with mental illness who need transitional services, coordinating their services, and other states' practices
November 7, 2007 Nancy McKenzie, DHS regional human service centers Vocational Rehabilitation services provided to youth with severe emotional disturbances
July 25, 2007 Linda Wright, Aging Services Study of Demential-Related Services

Public Safety Committee

Department Testimony
December 13, 2007 Maggie Anderson, Medical Services Division Report on Medicaid Reimbursement for Emergency Medical Services

Tribal-State Relations Committee

Department Testimony
September 17, 2007 Mike Schwindt, Child Support Enforcement Division Director Update on the interactions between the Tribes and State on child support enforcement services


» 2007 Legislative Session Testimony (60th)
» 2005-2006 Interim Testimony
» 2005 Legislative Session Testimony (59th)


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