Connecticut Council on Environmental Quality
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Council on
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 424-4000
(860) 424-4070
Karl J. Wagener,
Executive Director
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Welcome to the
Connecticut Council on Environmental Quality
NEW!:  The Council submitted a memo to several other state agencies titled Preserved and Forgotten: DOT Scenic Lands and Their Protection on July 20, 2009.  Read the memo here and the news release here.

What We Do

  • Keep you informed of the state's environmental progress

    The Council on Environmental Quality is the state agency that monitors environmental trends in Connecticut and makes recommendations for improving state environmental policies.  Would you like to know how the state's progress in environmental matters is tracked, and if our environment is getting cleaner?  Browse the Council's annual report Environmental Quality in Connecticut.

  • Review and comment on state agencies' construction projects

    Under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act and its attendant regulations, the Council on Environmental Quality reviews Environmental Impact Evaluations that state agencies develop for major projects; the Council must be consulted when disputes arise regarding any agency's finding that its project will not cause significant environmental impact.

  • Investigate citizens' complaints and allegations of violations of environmental laws

    People can contact the Council when they believe someone (perhaps a state agency) is violating environmental laws.  The Council will investigate and recommend that the responsible agency take appropriate action. 

About the Council

The Council is a nine-member board  that works independently of the Department of Environmental Protection. The Chairman and four other members are appointed by the Governor; two members are appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and two by the Speaker of the House. For more about the official duties of the Council, please consult the Connecticut General Statutes Sections 22a-11 through 22a-13.
Barbara C. Wagner, Chair
gray rule
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Read the Council's annual report on the condition of Connecticut's environment

 aerial view Willimantic 
Read the Environmental Monitor to learn about state-sponsored projects that could affect your community
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