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Medicaid Systems Replacement Project, September 21, 2004

"Stakeholder Meeting"

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Heritage Center Auditorium
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST
The forum will be webcast live on September 21, 2004 at 3:00 PM CST.
You can also download the slide presentation:

Many invitees are aware of the inadequacy of the current MMIS. Input and communication from this meeting will provide crucial information to the project. The Department of Human Services feels the organizations attending this meeting have an interest in the replacement of the current MMIS and/or a vital role in the advancement of this estimated 30 million dollar project. The result of this project will affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the state's Medical Assistance program for decades.


3:00 Introductions and Overview - Maggie Anderson, Assistant Director of Medical Services Division

3:10 Remarks from Carol Olson, Executive Director, Department of Human Services

3:20 Remarks from Dave Zentner, Director of Medical Services Division

3:40 Overview of Planning Phase - Maggie Anderson and Erik Elkins, Administrator Claims Processing

4:00 Overview of Design, Development, Implementation Phase -Maggie and Erik

4:20 Questions to Panel of Department Staff

4:45 Closing - Tom Solberg, Administrator Managed Care

Download 9/21/04 agenda (65kb pdf).


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