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Administered by the Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Seal National Criminal Justice Reference Service National Criminal Justice Reference Service Office of Justice Programs Seal National Criminal Justice Reference Service
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Crime Prevention
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 National Crime Victims' Service Awards; Submit Nominations Online by September 30, 2009

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PREA Data Collection Activities, 2009
This new Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) status report on Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) (P.L. 108-79) requires BJS to carry out, for each calendar year, a comprehensive statistical review and analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape. BJS has developed a multiple-measure, multiple-mode data collection strategy to fully implement requirements under PREA. (NCJ 227377)

Agency Abstract with links to full text report.  

OJJDP's National Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Leadership Conference To Be Held in Dallas
On August 13–14, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention will hold its annual National Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL) Leadership Conference in Dallas, Texas. The conference will feature innovative workshops covering critical topics related to the effective prevention and enforcement of underage drinking.

Conference Addresses Crime Victims With Disabilities
The Office for Victims of Crime-funded National Professional Training Conference on Responding to Crime Victims with Disabilities will be held September 30 to October 2, 2009, in Denver, Colorado. Individual scholarships of up to $1,000 are available. The application deadline for scholarships is September 1, 2009. The Bureau of Justice Statistics will present the first findings about nonfatal violent and property crime experienced by persons with disabilities drawn from the National Crime Victimization Survey.

National Institute of Corrections Service Plan Available
The National Institute of Corrections has posted its Fiscal Year 2010 Adult Service Plan, "Technical Assistance, Information, and Training for Adult Corrections: All Corrections Disciplines--Jails, Prisons, Community Corrections October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2010" This service plan presents the training programs, technical assistance opportunities, and information services available for correctional executives and practitioners working in Federal, state, and local adult correctional agencies. Available from NIC. (ACCN 023761)

Attend OVC Mass Casualty and Violence Conference
The Office for Victims of Crime conference on Mass Casualty and Violence at Home and Abroad - OVC Assisting Victims of Crime will be held October 19-21, 2009, in Arlington, Virginia. The conference will bring together first responders, victim service professionals, policymakers, and experts in mass violence.

Police Recruitment and Retention in the Contemporary Urban Environment - Conference Proceedings
This Office of Community Oriented Policing Services report, based on a national summit held in June 2008, summarizes the panelists' presentations, discussions, and opinions, and highlights key recruitment and retention lessons learned from the military and other organizations. (NCJ 227663)

Full text of the report: PDF  Text  Agency Abstract  

National Summit on Intelligence: Gathering, Sharing, Analysis, and Use after 9-11
This Office of Community Oriented Policing Services report contains findings from a November 2007 summit that addressed challenges encountered in sharing criminal intelligence. It includes eight recommendations on how law enforcement agencies can share information and intelligence seamlessly while protecting privacy and civil rights. (NCJ 227676)

Full text of the report: PDF  Agency Abstract  

Advancing Community Policing Through Community Governance
This new release from the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services offers a collaborative approach to local governance in responding to community problems and issues. The publication examines the emergence of community governance, defines the strategy and its elements, and illustrates examples from the field. (NCJ 227601)

Full text of the report: PDF  Text  Agency Abstract  

Redesigned MethResources Site
The MethResources Web site has a new look and features, which include a searchable gallery of methamphetamine ads, customizable public service announcements, state meth fact sheets, and information and resources on the prevention of meth use, treatment of meth abuse, and enforcement of meth-related laws.

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Upcoming Conferences 

American Correctional Association's 139th Congress of Correction
August 7, 2009 - August 12, 2009
Nashville, Tennessee
Visit the BJA, BJS, NIJ, OJJDP, and OVC exhibit.

National Criminal Justice Association 2009 National Forum
August 9, 2009 - August 11, 2009
Bellevue, Washington
Visit the BJA, BJS, NIJ, and OJJDP exhibit.

Underage Drinking Enforcement 11th Annual Conference
August 12, 2009 - August 14, 2009
Dallas, Texas
Visit the OJJDP exhibit.

94th International Association for Identification Annual International Educational Conference
August 16, 2009 - August 22, 2009
Tampa, Florida
Visit the NIJ exhibit.

21st Annual Crimes Against Children Conference
August 17, 2009 - August 20, 2009
Dallas, Texas
Visit the OJJDP exhibit.

10th Crime Mapping Research Conference
August 19, 2009 - August 22, 2009
New Orleans, Louisiana
Visit the NIJ exhibit.

35th Annual North American Victim Assistance Conference
August 23, 2009 - August 27, 2009
Scottsdale, Arizona
Visit the OVC exhibit.

More events

Last updated on: 8/5/2009


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