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Employment, Contracting, & Volunteering
Staff as Mandatory Reporters Volunteering/Internships
Affirmative Action & EEO Doing Business with OYA
Employment Openings
Open to Current OYA Employees
Applying for State Employment
Employment Testing
Staff as Mandatory Reporters
Within its scope of duties, the OYA is committed to protecting the public and, as such, emphasizes public safety and supports the concerns of crime victims. Staff are designated and required, by statute, to be mandatory reporters of instances of suspected child abuse, occurring on the job and in their private lives.
In conjunction with this responsibility, the OYA recognizes that staff carry an additional responsibility to ensure the safety of offenders in its custody.  Whenever abuse is suspected involving an offender under the age of 18, staff will meet the mandatory child abuse reporting requirements. Staff will immediately respond to the safety issues of the offender involved in the situation.
OYA Staff are required to attend annual trainings on Mandatory Reporting.

Affirmative Action & EEO

Employment Openings
Oregon Youth Authority

Other State Agencies

Open to Current OYA Employees

Applying for Jobs Open Only to Current OYA Employees ("Flash" Jobs):
  • Jobs open only to current OYA employees are posted to the Job Announcements folder in the Outlook Public Folders and on bulletin boards at each worksite.
  • To transfer within your classification, complete only the front page of a state application (PD 100) and write “Agency Transfer” across the top.
  • To transfer to another classification, complete a PD 100 to show that you meet the minimum qualifications.  Indicate in the Job Applied For box, the classification you wish to transfer or demote to, and write “Agency Transfer or Demote” across the top.
  • Transfer requests to Employee Services will be active on a list for six (6) months.  Requests to be put on transfer lists can be submitted to Employee Services at any time.

Applying for State Employment
Application Forms
To apply, obtain State of Oregon application forms from a local Oregon Employment Office or download from the Employment Applications page.

Keys to Completing a State of Oregon Application
All qualifying experience and training must be listed in the WORK HISTORY section of your application.  Test responses are not evaluated for minimum qualifications.  Resumes or attached letters are not included in the evaluation process unless the job announcement specifically requires them.
After an announcement closes, applications are reviewed for minimum qualifications.  Only those meeting the minimum qualifications receive further consideration.
When reviews are complete, an APPLICATION AND EXAMINATION NOTICE will be sent to you explaining the status of your application.
  • Carefully read job announcements.  They contain special instructions or requirements, including what it takes to qualify and what to submit along with your application (such as transcripts, skill code sheets, test responses, etc.)
  • Illustrate how your background meets the specific requirements.  The application itself must convey how you meet the requirements in the TO QUALIFY section.  You can attach extra pages if you run out of room on the form.  Explain your qualifying experience in the WORK HISTORY section of your application.  Your job titles can help support what you describe, but they are not enough.
  • List each job separately.  Do not lump jobs together even if they were with the same organization.  If you held multiple positions with a single organization, list each position as a separate job include all relevant experience whether it was paid or unpaid.
  • Avoid jargon, acronyms, or vague language.  The reviewer may not know what your acronym stands for.  Convey information in commonly used terms to make the message clear.
  • Complete all parts of the application.  Be sure all sections have been filled in.  provide an actual number for the average hours worked per week.  If it is less than 40, the length of time in that job will be prorated accordingly.  Do not put “varies,” as the grader will not give credit for that job.
  • Make it legible.  Although your application does not have to be typed, it does need to be written in ink and readable.
  • Sign and date the application form.  Your application cannot be accepted without your signature in ink.  Staple any supplemental material to the back of your application.
  • Make a copy of your completed application packet.  You may be asked to bring it to interviews.  You may also want to use it when completing employment applications in the future.
  • Submit your completed application and required materials to the agency listed in the HOW TO APPLY section of the job announcements.  Applications must be received at that agency by 5:00 PM on the announcement close date.  Waiting until the last minute to fax your application may cause you to miss the deadline as fax machines can be busy in the late afternoon.
  • See the information sheet within the application form for additional details.

Tips for Writing Exam Responses
Many state announcements include test questions.  To obtain the best possible score, keep the following in mind as you write your responses:
  • Scores are based on your test responses only.  They may be separated from your application.  The only information that graders use when scoring test questions is your answers.
  • Each question is scored independently.  For example, your score for question one is based only on what you provide as a response to question number one.  Do not omit an answer to a question because you feel you have already answered it in another question.  Additionally, it is not enough to say “see above” or “see question number one”.
  • Number your answers to correspond to the question(s).  Be sure to identify which test question you are responding to.
  • Use of the word “I”.  Do not just write about the process or what “we” did.  Describe what you did.
  • Avoid jargon, acronyms, or vague language.  A response such as “I was involved in the budgeting process” is not descriptive enough.  What were your duties? What did you do to achieve results? Be specific, do not use jargon, acronyms, and vague language as they detract from the clarity of your response and the grader cannot take anything for granted.
  • Answer all parts of the question.  Address each part.  For example, if a question asks you to identify the topic and the audience, be sure you have covered both the topic and the audience in your response.  Additionally, if a question has parts a), b), c), etc., be sure to number and answer each part separately.
  • Repeat yourself if necessary.  Remember, each question is scored independently from the others.  You may need to repeat information from one response to another.
  • Be concise, yet thorough.  While it is okay to describe a scenario if it is pertinent to the question, describing philosophies or what “experts” say on a subject only slows the process down without enhancing our score.  Also, unless the announcement instructs otherwise, there is no right number of pages.
  • Remember to make it legible.  A grader cannot score what they cannot read!

Employment Testing
Physical Ability Testing
Click here for information on employment testing and testing schedules.

For information on volunteer or internship opportunties, contact Employee Services.

Doing Business with OYA
Click here for information on open contract solicitations with OYA.

Page updated: June 19, 2009

Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

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