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Reports & Publications
JJIS Data & Evaluation Reports
OYA Issue Briefs
Listening Forums

Annual Performance Measures  Annual Performance Progress Report for Fiscal Year 2007-08 
Annual Performance Progress Report for Fiscal Year 2006-07 
Strategic Plan Strategic Plan 2006-09
Legislative Reports  2007 Legislative Bill Summary
This document identifies the legislative bills tracked by the Oregon Youth Authority from the 2007 Legislative Session.
Budget Documents  The following documents are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format.

Juvenile Justice Quick Facts  OYA's Quick Facts provide not only an overview of youth demographics in both Community Programs and Close Custody, but information on social characteristics of OYA youth, close custody capacity, length of stay, and budget and employment statistics.
OYA Recidivism Findings   FY 2001-2005
OYA's Research and Evaluation Unit has compiled and analyzed data on recidivism rates of various cohorts of youth between the start of fiscal year 2001 (FY01) and the end of fiscal year 2005 (FY05).
Tracking recidivism supports the OYA’s mission by measuring the extent to which agency services have been able to protect the public. In addition, reporting the recidivism measure reflects the agency’s values of excellence in public service, openness, and accountability to the public.
Recidivism Findings for:
Population Forecast  The Office of Economic Analysis (OEA) provides objective forecasts of the state’s economy, revenue, population, corrections population, and Youth Authority population to enable the governor, the legislature, state agencies, and the public to achieve their goals.
The Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) Demand Forecast provides a population forecast of youth committed to the Oregon Youth Authority over the next decade.
JJIS Data & Evaluation Reports  Annual Data & Evaluation reports are published by the Juvenile Justice Information System (JJIS) Steering Committee.  The intent of these reports is to aid in the overall planning, development, and evaluation of programs designed to reduce juvenile crime.
Progress Reports Systems Improvement Project
Senate Bill 1 Reconciliation

Senate Bill 267 - Evidence-based Practices
In 2004 legislation was drafted to mandate the use of evidence-based practices for youths and adults at risk of involvement in the criminal justice and correctional systems.
The Oregon state Senate Bill 267, which later was enacted into state law (ORS 185.515-525), proposed that state-funded programs use treatment practices shown by research to have an impact on reducing the risk to recidivate and/or decrease the likelihood that persons will be hospitalized for mental health crises. This state mandate applies to the Department of Corrections, Oregon Youth Authority, State Commission on Children and Families, and the Office of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS). 
In compliance with this law, agencies must demonstrate that 25% of the monies spent on programming be spent on evidence-based services in the fiscal year 2005-2007. Implementation of the mandate occurs at a graduated level system in which agencies are required to demonstrate 50% of their monies are spent on evidence-based practices in 2007-2009, and 75% of monies in 2009-2011. Currently, the Oregon Youth Authority has surpassed the legislative target for this biennium.

Senate Bill 770 - Oregon Tribal Government to Government Report
Senate Bill 770 Public Safety Cluster Groups Membership of the Public Safety Cluster Group consists of representatives of public safety agencies from both state and tribal governments.  The Public Safety Cluster works towards a collaborative process to assist in the resolution of issues that affect both tribal and state governments.
OYA's OMS’ Native American Coordinator is the Chair of the Public Safety Cluster Group.
Equal Access to Gender-Appropriate Services
On July 28, 1993, Governor Barbara Roberts signed into law House Bill 3576 (ORS 417.270) — a law that, for the first time in Oregon, required state agencies serving children under the age of 18 to plan, implement and provide equal access to gender-appropriate services, and ensure parity in the allocation of moneys and services to males and females.
Senate Bill 1 (1995) established the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) and charged the OYA with the responsibility to "apply the equal access provisions of ORS 417.270 in the development and administration of youth correction facilities, programs and services…”  The OYA is pleased to submit this 2007 report outlining the agency’s efforts to ensure a continuum of gender-appropriate services for all youth offenders.
Mental Health and Offenders in OYA Custody

The OYA conducts a mental health/substance abuse survey every two years on all offenders in OYA custody. The resulting data is analyzed to detect gaps in youth services and is used to advocate for services during the budget process.

Juvenile Sex Offender Management Grant

Oregon's Juvenile Sex Offender Management Grant project is a collaboration of the Oregon juvenile justice system including the Oregon Youth Authority, county juvenile departments, district attorneys, the defense bar, victim advocates, child welfare, education, law enforcement, academia, and treatment providers.   The grant (December 2003 - June 2006) allowed the juvenile justice stakeholder community to assess current practices and develop and implement a more comprehensive approach to the management and treatment of juvenile sex offenders.   The Juvenile Sex Offender Management Steering Committee's Grant Report to Stakeholders summarizes the project results.

Governor's Task Force on Juvenile Justice

Audit Reports

JJIS Data & Evaluation Reports
Annual Data & Evaluation reports are published by the Juvenile Justice Information System (JJIS) Steering Committee.  The intent of these reports is to aid in the overall planning, development, and evaluation of programs designed to reduce juvenile crime.


OYA Biennial Report  2005-07 (1.6 mb pdf)
1995-97 (2 mb pdf)
Youth Safety Guide Youth Safety Guide
Family Guides Guides for Parents and Families of . . .
Child Support  Questions & Answers Brochure 
Residential Resource Directory Residential Resource Directory
Individualized Services Handbook “Individualized Services” is a funding source designed for individual case planning.  The funding for Individualized Services is part of the Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) budget for the purpose of providing individualized case plan services to youth offenders.

OYA Issue Briefs
2009-2011 Legislative Session

Listening Forums
Interm Deputy Director Fariborz Pakseresht has been visiting with staff to gain an understanding of some of the issues facing the agency and to explore how we can better meet our mission here at OYA.
The intent of these listening forums was to solicit frank and direct feedback from those in the agency who have day-to-day involvement with treatment programs for the youth. The questions were designed to allow participants to express their perspectives on those things that are working well and things that can be improved as they relate to treatment programs.

Page updated: July 29, 2009

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