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Stimulus Grant for Preservation of Jobs in the Arts
Guidelines and Application Form

June 8, 2009 

Dear ASCA Grantees, 

      As many of you have heard, state art agencies have been awarded extra funds from the National Endowment for the Arts as part of the Recovery/Stimulus Act passed by Congress earlier this year.  Stimulus funds for arts organizations are specifically earmarked for the preservation of jobs. 

      Enclosed you will find guidelines and an application form should the purpose of this one-time new program address current needs of your organization.  Read the guidelines carefully and feel free to call ASCA program staff regarding questions. 

      You will note there is a very quick turn around time and deadline for submission (July 10, 2009).  July 10th is the one and only deadline for this program.  All grants will be awarded by the Council at its September 10-11, 2009 meeting.  Grants are available for a period of September 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010. 

      We anticipate grants will be very competitive and applicants should be in a position to reflect critical need to achieve a priority status for funding.  Be sure to read guidelines for eligibility and other application details. 


Albert B. Head
Executive Director

Click here for Stimulus Grant for Preservation of Jobs in the Arts-- Guidelines and Application Form

ALABAMA STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS • 201 Monroe Street • Montgomery, AL 36130-1800 • 334/242-4076


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 (Recovery Act) recognizes that the nonprofit arts industry is an important sector of the economy.  In accordance with this act, the National Endowment for the Arts has received funds to help preserve jobs in the nonprofit arts sector that are threatened by declines in philanthropic and other support during the current economic downturn. As a partner of the Arts Endowment, the Alabama State Council on the Arts has received Recovery Funds specifically for preservation of jobs in the arts.

Grants will only be made for current full time or part time salaries of the applicant organization where losses in jobs are taking place or would otherwise occur.  Applicants for support will be reviewed utilizing the criteria established by the Arts Endowment for the Recovery Program which emphasizes quality of the organization, the significance of the positions in jeopardy, feasibility and appropriateness of goals for success and evaluation, the impact on the applicant organization’s programs for underserved populations and the overall capacity of an organization to carry out a job-strengthening project. Please note that a detailed reporting procedure will be instituted and that applicants may receive this one-time NEA recovery support from only one source. Also, development and fundraising positions are not eligible for support.


·        Applicant must be an arts organization that has received grant support from the State Arts Council within the last two years.

·        Applicant must have at least one paid employee.

·        Applicant must have a DUNS number ( and be registered with the Central Contractor Registry (CCR,  If you have not obtained a DUNS Number (A Dunn and Bradstreet number for identifying organizations worldwide) and are not registered with the federal Central Contractor Registry, please click on the links above for information and instructions. 

·        Applicant must have a current professional staff position that is in jeopardy or has been lost due to current economic conditions

·        Applicant must be current in all reports to the State Arts Council

Salary support for new or expanded positions is NOT eligible.
Salary support for development or fundraising positions is NOT eligible.
Salary support for positions eliminated prior to October 1, 2008 is NOT eligible.

 Application Deadline:  July 10, 2009

Funding Period: 
September 1, 2009 – September 30, 2010

Funding Range
$10,000 - $50,000

Submission Requirement

Please submit the original and two copies of this application to the office of the Alabama State Council on the Arts before 5 p.m. on the deadline date. 

The Alabama State Council on the Arts will not accept applications received after the deadline date.

Applications should be mailed to:

Alabama State Council on the Arts
ATTN: NEA/State Partnership
Stimulus Grant Program
201 Monroe Street, Suite 110
Montgomery, AL  36130-1800

 Click here for Stimulus Grant for Preservation of Jobs in the Arts-- Guidelines and Application Form



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