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Family Health Insurance Assistance Program (FHIAP)
The Family Health Insurance Assistance Program, or FHIAP, helps thousands of Oregon families pay the monthly premium for high-quality, private health insurance plans.

FHIAP pays from 50 percent to 95 percent of the premium for Oregonians who are uninsured and meet income and other guidelines. Individuals and families use FHIAP subsidies to pay for insurance at work or to buy individual health plans if insurance is not available through an employer. With FHIAP, Oregonians often cover their entire families for just a few dollars a month instead of hundreds of dollars!
Applicant & Member Information
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FHIAP's reservation (waiting) list
FHIAP is accepting names of people who want an application when an opening occurs. The names are put on a reservation list. Applications are mailed in the order people put their names on the list.

We currently estimate the wait for an application at 1 1/2 to two years. However, we encourage you to put your name on the list now so that you will get an application more quickly when funds are available.
Request to be put on the FHIAP reservation list for an application!
Request a FHIAP application
About FHIAP:
FHIAP Partners
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Go Oregon Logo
See how FHIAP is using the Federal Stimulus Funds to help Oregonians.
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For DHS employees:
Homecare Union Benefits Board:
Hubb Logo

Click here to go to the Oregon Dept. of Veterans' Affairs outreach contact form

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