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Individuals Provisions
(updated 8.03.2009)

Education and Workforce Development  [ back to top ]

Student Financial Assistance
(National Appropriation: $15,840,000,000)
Description: This program provides increased funding for the Pell Grant program that provides grants to low income individuals for undergraduate and postgraduate educational expenses. A Federal Pell Grant does not have to be repaid. The ARRA increases the max Pell Grant award to $5,350 and provides additional funding to support these grant awards.
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Federal Website: Department of Labor

Rehabilitation Services and Disability Research
(National Appropriation: $680,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $10,034,000)
Description: This program provides funding for vocational rehabilitation and also provides grants to Independent Living Programs.
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State Contact: Jim Harris, III
Email: jim.harris.3@rehab.alabama.gov

Federal Pell Grants - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $24,700,000,000)
CFDA#: 84.063
Description: The Federal Pell Grant program helps ensure access to postsecondary education for low- and middle-income undergraduate students by providing grants that, in combination with other sources of student aid, help meet postsecondary education costs. The program also promotes lifelong learning by encouraging low-income adults now in the workplace to return to school to upgrade their skills.
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Education and Human Resources - (Funds based on in-house proposals. Money will be awarded by: Sept. 30, 2009)
(National Appropriation: $100,000,000)
CFDA#: 47.082
Description: This program provides grants for universities to attract math and science teachers, and also provides grants to improve match and science in K-12 schools. Funds will be dispersed as follows: 60% for Robert Noyce teacher Scholarship Program; 25% for Math and Science partnerships Program; 15% for Professional Science Master's Programs. more information

Federal Website: National Science Foundation

National Aeronautics and Space Administration - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $1,000,000,000)
Description: This program provides funding for research and development, disaster assistance, and climate change programs. NASA will be providing grant opportunities for equipment and systems development in several areas including aeronautics, space exploration, physical science, and cross-agency support.
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Training Grants for Green Jobs and Emerging Industry Sectors - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $750,000,000)
CFDA#: 17.275
Description: The Recovery Act appropriated funds for a program of competitive training grants for worker training and placement in green jobs and high growth and emerging industry sectors, with emphasis on careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
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List of Competitive Grants -
    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors
        (Federal Amount: $50,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description: The Department of Labor (DOL) announces the availability of approximately $50 million in grant funds for the Workforce Agencies of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Territories, or a consortium of such agencies, to collect, analyze, and disseminate labor market information, and to enhance the labor exchange infrastructure for careers within the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. The eligible applicant for this grant solicitation is the State Workforce Agency, as States are expected to use workforce and labor market information and data as the foundation on which to build and implement effective workforce development strategies. This SGA encourages collaborative approaches, whereby multiple States apply as a consortium to conduct research that may potentially have a multi-State or national impact. ETA intends to fund individual State grants ranging from approximately $750,000 to $1,250,000. Individual grant awards to consortium applicants will range from $2 to $4 million, contingent upon an adequate justification of proposed project needs and the availability of resources.

    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors - Energy Training Partnership Grants
        (Federal Amount: $100,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description:  Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Recovery Act), DOL announces the availability of approximately $100 million in grant funds to 20-30 projects ranging from approximately $2 to $5 million each. Projects will provide training and placement services in the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries for workers impacted by national energy and environmental policy, individuals in need of updated training related to the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries, and unemployed workers. Proposed projects must be developed and implemented through strategic partnerships. Energy Training Partnership funds are intended to provide training for workers that prepares them to enter the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries, as well as green occupations within other industries, as described in the Supplementary Information: Part B of this SGA. Individuals eligible for training include workers impacted by national energy and environmental policy, individuals in need of updated training related to the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries, and unemployed workers. A portion of the funds under this SGA will be reserved (as described in Section II, Award Information) for projects serving communities impacted by automotive-related restructuring.

    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors - Green Capacity Building Grants
        (Federal Amount: $5,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description: The Department of Labor (DOL) announces the availability of approximately $5 million in grant funds for projects that build the capacity of DOL-funded training programs to ensure that targeted groups are prepared to meet the needs of our country's expanding green industries. Only active DOL-funded grantees (eligible grantees specified in the SGA) are eligible to apply. Specifically, this SGA supports capacity building for organizations to provide training for entry-level positions leading to career pathways and/or additional training in the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. The Department expects to award between 50 and 100 grants under this competition, providing awards ranging from $50,000 to $100,000.

    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors - Pathways Out of Poverty
        (Federal Amount: $150,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description: The Department of Labor (DOL) announces the availability of approximately $150 million in grant funds authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Recovery Act) for projects that provide training and placement services to provide pathways out of poverty and into employment within the industries described in the Supplementary Information, Part B of this SGA. Grantees selected from two separate types of applicants will be funded through this solicitation: (1) national nonprofit entities with networks of local affiliates, coalition members, or other established partners; and (2) local entities. Additional specific eligibility guidance is included in Section III.A, “Eligible Applicants and Required Partnerships.” ETA intends to fund grants ranging from approximately $3 to $8 million for national grantees, and grants ranging from approximately $2 to $4 million for local grantees.

    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors - State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP) and Training Grants
        (Federal Amount: $190,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description: The Department of Labor (DOL) announces the availability of approximately $190 million in grant funds to State Workforce Investment Boards of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories. In order to highlight the important role States play in building a national green economy, the Department is investing in workforce sector strategies that target energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. DOL encourages a strategic planning process that aligns the Governor’s overall workforce vision, State energy policies, and local and regional training activities that lead to employment in targeted industry sectors. This strategic planning process is an opportunity to develop a statewide energy sector strategy through a comprehensive partnership and development of a Sector Plan. If an energy sector strategy is currently in place, that strategy should be reviewed and evaluated to address the requirements of this funding opportunity. As a result of this Solicitation for Grant Application (SGA), the Department is fostering the development of a national workforce that is ready to meet the demands of the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. A portion of the funds under this SGA will be reserved for communities or regions undergoing auto industry related restructurings. The eligible applicants for this SGA are State Workforce Investment Boards in partnership with their State Workforce Agency, local Workforce Investment Boards or regional consortia of Boards, and One Stop Career Center delivery systems. ETA intends to fund grants ranging from approximately $2 to $6 million

Health and Human Services  [ back to top ]
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(National Appropriation: $20,000,000,000; Alabama Appropriation $389,000,000)
Description: Provides a 13.6 % increase in the maximum SNAP benefit April 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010. Individuals with income below 200% of the federal poverty level are eligible for these benefits.
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Please click here for more information concerning Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

Federal Website: Department of Agriculture

Rural Housing Service
(National Appropriation: $200,000,000)
Description: This program will provide direct and unsubsidized guaranteed loans to individuals from the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Housing Insurance Fund.
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Aging Services Programs - Congregate Nutrition Services - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $65,000,000)
CFDA#: 93.707
Description: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) provides $65 million for Congregate Nutrition Services. Established in 1972 under the Older Americans Act (OAA), the program provides meals to older Americans in congregate facilities such as senior centers, adult day centers, and faith-based settings.
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State Agency: Dept. of Senior Services
State Contact: Marvin Jones
Email: Marvin.Jones@adss.alabama.gov

Aging Services Programs - Delivered Nutrition Services - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $32,000,000)
CFDA#: 93.705
Description: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) provides $32 million for Home-Delivered Nutrition Services. Established in 1978 under the Older Americans Act (OAA), the program provides meals and related nutrition services to seniors who are homebound.
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State Agency: Dept. of Senior Services
State Contact: Marvin Jones
Email: Marvin.Jones@adss.alabama.gov

Health Professional Training - National Health Service Corps
(National Appropriation: $300,000,000)
CFDA#: 93.162/93.288/93.4
Description: The objective of the NHSC Recovery Act funding is to increase public access to affordable primary health care by providing an incentive to primary health care clinicians/students to serve in underserved areas and thus increasing the number of NHSC primary health care clinician jobs.
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Immunization Grant Program - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $300,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $2,985,150)
CFDA#: 93.268
Description: This program provides funding to the CDC to administer an immunization program in partnership with health care providers in the public and private sectors, including state and local health departments and clinics. This funding will be allocated to states based on an existing formula. To expand access to vaccines and vaccination services by making more vaccines available, primarily to under-served children or their under-insured parents, increase national public awareness and knowledge about the benefits and risks of vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases, and strengthen the evidence base for vaccination policies and programs.
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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $19,991,000,000)
CFDA#: 10.557
Description: SNAP provides nutrition assistance benefits and nutrition education services to low-income individuals and families. The ARRA increases the maximum allotments of SNAP participants by 13.6 percent, eases eligibility requirements for childless adults without jobs, and provides additional funding to State agencies responsible for administering the program. The goals of SNAP are to reduce hunger and improve the health and well-being of low-income people and families.
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Child Care and Development Block Grant
(National Appropriation: $2,000,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $38,471,000)
CFDA#: 93.715
Description: The Child Care Development Block Grant program provides funding to help low-income families, families receiving public assistance and those families transitioning from public assistance in obtaining child care. This provision requires that such grants be used to supplement, not supplant, state funding for child care assistance to low-income families. Provides a temporary increase to states to provide subsidized child care services for low-income families and to improve the quality and supply of child care for all families.
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Federal Website: Department of Health and Human Services
Health Information Technology - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $48,800,000,000 - All Health IT Programs Combined)
Description: The goal of the Medicare and Medicaid Health IT provisions in the Recovery Act is to promote and provide incentives for the adoption of certified electronic health records (EHRs). To achieve this goal, the Recovery Act authorized bonus payments for eligible professionals (EPs) and hospitals participating in Medicare and Medicaid as an incentive to become meaningful users of certified EHRs.
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State Agency: Department of Public Health
State Contact: Michele Jones
Email: michele.jones@adph.state.al.us
Phone: 334-206-5226

Premium Subsidies for COBRA Continuation Coverage
(National Appropriation: $24,700,000,000)
CFDA#: 17.151
Description: The stimulus package provides a 65% subsidy for COBRA continuation premiums for up to 9 months for workers who have been involuntarily terminated, and for their families. This subsidy also applies to health care continuation coverage if required by states for small employers. To qualify for premium assistance, a worker must be involuntarily terminated between September 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009. Provides for continuation of group health coverage that otherwise might be terminated as a result of job loss or reduced hours of employment. If an individual did not elect COBRA, he/she may have an additional opportunity to elect it now and take advantage more information

State Website: Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
State Contact: Steve Till
Email: steve.till@adeca.alabama.gov
Phone: 334-242-5373

Emergency Food Assistance Program - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $150,000,000)
CFDA#: 10.568 & 10.569
Description: Provide additional food to food banks, food pantries, and soup kitchens, so that they may better serve the increased number of individuals seeking assistance through the nation’s emergency food system due to recent economic conditions.
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Independent Living - State Grants (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $18,200,000)
CFDA#: 84.398
Description: Through the IL State Grants program, the ARRA provides support to States to improve and expand independent living services to individuals with significant disabilities, especially in underserved and underserved areas, to maximize their leadership, empowerment, independence, and productivity, and to promote the integration and full inclusion of individuals with disabilities into the mainstream of American society.
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State Agency: Alabama Dept. of Rehab
State Contact: Jim Harris III
Email: jim.harris.3@rehab.alabama.gov

Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $34,300,000)
CFDA#: 84.399
Description: Through the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind (OIB) program, the ARRA provides formula grants to States for services to assist individuals aged 55 or older whose significant visual impairment makes competitive employment extremely difficult to obtain, but for whom independent living goals are feasible.
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State Agency: Alabama Dept. of Rehab
State Contact: Jim Harris III
Email: jim.harris.3@rehab.alabama.gov

Energy, Science, and Natural Resources  [ back to top ]
Appliance Rebate Program - (Formula Driven Grants)
(National Appropriation: $300,000,000)
CFDA#: 81.127
Description: This program will provide rebates to individuals who replace old appliances with new energy efficient appliances. This funding will provide rebates for residential consumers for the purchase of residential Energy Star products to replace appliances with more efficient models. States determine which appliances to include in program. Administrative funs require a 50% match by the state. Program requires decommissioning or recycling of old appliances being replaced.
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Federal Agency: Department of Energy

State Agency: Alabama Department of Economic & Community Affairs
State Contact: Karen Clifton
Email: Karen.Clifton@adeca.alabama.gov
Phone Number: 334-242-5321

Federal Website: Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Energy Research and Development
(National Appropriation: $250,000,000)
CFDA#: 11.618
Description: Consistent with the Recovery Act bill and conference report, $220 million for NIST’s Scientific and Technical Research Services (STRS) account will fund Advanced Scientific Equipment, Measurement Science and Engineering Grants, Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, Measurement Science and Engineering Fellowship Program, Research Contracts, and Information Technology Infrastructure Contracts. NIST will also receive $20 million from HHS and $10 million from DoE for standards development work. more information

National Telecommunications and Information Administration Broadband Technology Opportunity Program
(National Appropriation: $4,700,000,000)
CFDA#: 11.557
Description: This program provides funding to develop and maintain wireless and broadband infrastructure to service underserved and underserved areas.
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State Contact: Kathy Johnson
Email: Kathy.Johnson@governor.alabama.gov
Phone: 334-353-8760

List of Competitive Grants
    - Infrastructure Grants - Funding to improve service in underserved and underserved areas.
        (Federal Amount: $3,900,000,000)
        CFDA#: 11.557

        State Contact: Kathy Johnson
        Email: Kathy.Johnson@governor.alabama.gov
        Phone: 334-353-8760

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    - Sustainable Adoption Grants - Funding for innovative programs to encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service.
        (Federal Amount: $250,000,000)
        CFDA#: 11.557

        State Contact: Kathy Johnson
        Email: Kathy.Johnson@governor.alabama.gov
        Phone: 334-353-8760

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Fish and Wildlife Service: Habitat Restoration - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $50,000,000; Alabama: $1,537,000)
CFDA#: 15.656
Description: The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service is announcing the availability of funding under the ARRA of 2009 for habitat restoration through the National Fish Passage Program. The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act authorizes the Secretary of Interior to provide technical and financial assistance through the National Fish Passage Program to partners interested in restoring, enhancing, and managing fish and wildlife habitats. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 additional funding is available for habitat restoration through the National Fish passage Program These Recovery Act funds are available for habitat restoration projects that address high priority aquatic habitats. Projects must provide direct benefits to Federal Trust species (i.e., migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, inter-jurisdictional fish, certain marine mammals, and species of international concern). It is a goal of the program to secure at least 50 percent of project costs from non-Service sources, but this goal applies regionally as a whole, and does not have to be achieved on a project-by-project basis. If you are interested in requesting assistance for a potential project under the National Fish Passage Program you must contact your Regional Coordinator for information about funding and technical assistance availability. A listing of Regional Fish Passage Coordinators is available at: http://www.fws.gov/fisheries/fwco/fishpassage/contacts.html
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Aquaculture - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $10,028,955)
CFDA#: 10.086
Description: Purpose: To pay the aquaculture producers for their increases in grains, etc.

State Agency: Ag & Industries
State Contact: Joe Cowart
Email: joe.cowart@agi.alabama.gov

Tax Provisions  [ back to top ]
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act also contains a number of taxation provisions that can benefit individuals in Alabama. For more information on tax benefits please click on the following link: Tax Provisions

Archives  [ back to top ]

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
(National Appropriation: $500,000,000)
CFDA#: 10.578
Description: This program provides additional funds for the WIC program. $400 million will be placed in the Secretary of Agriculture's reserve fund to be distributed to the states as the Secretary deems necessary. $100 million will be granted to the states to improve information management systems. Provides funding to increase the number of WIC participants who receive supplemental nutritional support should cost or caseload exceed budget estimates. WIC benefits include supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition education and the support of breastfeeding.
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State Contact: Michele Jones
Email: michele.jones@adph.state.al.us
Phone: 334-206-5226
Federal Website: Department of Agriculture

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
(National Appropriation: $5,000,000,000)
Description: The stimulus package provides $5 billion in new funds over two years to the TANF-block grant program to states and tribes experiencing increased cash welfare caseloads. States with separate state programs funded with TANF state maintenance effort are also eligible for grants from the fund, as are states with increased short-term non-recurrent benefit expenditures or increased subsidized employment expenditures under TANF and separate state programs. Creates an emergency contingency fund for states with increased expenses due to increases in caseloads in TANF programs, including basic assistance, non-recurrent short-term benefits and subsidized employment.
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Federal Website: Department of Health and Human Services

Weatherization Assistance
APPLICATIONS HAVE PASSED AS OF MAY 12, 2009 (8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time)
(National Appropriation: $5,000,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $74, 961,000)
CFDA#: 81.042
Description: The Weatherization Assistance Program enables low-income families to permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient. Provides funding to help low-income families reduce their energy costs by weatherizing their homes to make our country more energy efficient.
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Please click here to find the agency that services your county

State Contact: Steve Till
Email: Steve.Till@adeca.alabama.gov
Phone: 334-242-5373

Federal Website: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/weatherization/recovery_act.cfm
Federal Website: http://www.energy.gov/recovery/index.htm

Student Aid Administration - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $60,000,000)
CFDA#: 84.007
Description: Federal Student Aid (FSA) plays a central and essential role in America's postsecondary education community by ensuring that all eligible individuals benefit from federal financial assistance for education beyond high school. The funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) will increase the number of Title IV student loan servicing vehicles and improve operational performance to collect and deliver loan and grant data between program participants and the system.
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Seismic Upgrades
(National Appropriation: $5,000,000)
CFDA#: 15.807
Descriptions: USGS will support the replacement of outdated equipment used to monitor and report on earthquake activity in the U/S. and will improve the data centers and processing capabilities that generate earthquake information products and manage seismic data. These upgrades will further the development of the Advanced National Seismic System. Systems to be upgraded will include existing urban, regional and national seismic networks. Support for objectives to be completed by the resulting assistance awards will utilize funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. The USGS will follow a two-track approach for submission of proposals for Program Announcement 09HQPA0021 under ARRA. Proposals shall be submitted electronically to a U.S. Geological Survey e-mail address and one hard copy of the entire proposal must be submitted to the U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Acquisition and Grants; details for both required tracks for submittal will be provided in the Program (Full) Announcement. Both the electronic copy and the paper copy must be received by the date and time set forth for receipt of proposals in the program announcement. Failure to submit either part by the date and time specified will eliminate the application from consideration. (For example, if the electronic copy is received by the established date and time but the paper copy is not, the application will not be considered - vice versa.) In addition, the electronic copy must be submitted to the only e-mail address identified in the Program (Full) Announcement. Electronic submittal to or through any other location or means will not be acceptable. The closing date set forth in this synopsis is an estimated date. The actual closing date and time will be specified in the Program Announcement. ARRA-SE0005A

Federal Agency: US Geological Survey

Teacher Quality Enhancement - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $143,000,000)
CFDA#: 84.405
Description: The Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) program aims to improve student achievement and teacher quality in high-need schools and early childhood education programs by improving teacher preparation and professional development activities; holding teacher preparation programs accountable for preparing effective teachers; and recruiting highly qualified individuals into the teaching force. Projects may also include a component to train school leaders.
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Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program
(National Appropriation: $650,000,000)
CFDA#: 11.556
Description: This program will provide funding to pay for coupons for digital-to-analog TV converter boxes and related educational/outreach efforts. The bill includes $650,000,000 for additional implementation and administration of the digital-to-analog converter box coupon program, including additional coupons to meet new projected demands and consumer support, outreach and administration. The TV Converter Box Coupon Program will provide up to two coupons valued at $40 each for requesting households to purchase converter boxes to continue receiving over-the-air broadcasts.
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Federal Website: Department of Commerce