New Jersey Transit

New Jersey Transit

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About My Transit

My Transit is our free email alert system, delivering critical travel information to your cell phone, handheld wireless device or email inbox. With My Transit you will be advised of delays, service disruptions, schedule changes and more.

How it works: When you sign up for My Transit, you can provide up to two email addresses to receive alerts and advisories. Alerts are short messages (limited to 160 characters) that can be delivered to your cell phone, mobile device, or email inbox. Advisories are longer messages that provide details about service adjustments, detours, boarding changes and more. You can have alerts and advisories delivered to the same email address or have alerts sent to one address while advisories are sent to another.

My Transit is fully customizable. During the sign-up process, you'll tell us the specific trips you take each day. We'll send you information about your selected trips and your selected stations.

My Transit will keep you informed of:

  • Delays of 15 minutes or more during the morning and evening commuting periods (weekdays only).

  • Schedule changes and other service adjustments.

  • Station advisories at your origin and destination, including elevator and escalator outages and boarding changes.

  • Other important announcements from NJ TRANSIT affecting your trip.

You can also access NJ TRANSIT from any web-enabled mobile device at

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