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  1. @Jaz23uk Thank you! I almost missed it as we went by, I'm glad I caught this picture! ~j #boldne
  2. Thank you for following us on our trip! When I confirm the when/ where for our lab results I'll post where you can find out more! ~j #boldne
  3. Wait, hold on, the government was done two days EARLY? Take that bureaucracy! That's just the way the Bold rolls. ~j #boldne
  4. On my way to drop off our zooplankton samples to the Ocean Explorium in New Bedford!~j#boldne
  5. Pick up by EPA New England staff! Thanks guys!!!
  6. Docked at the Coast Guard station, can't leave yet! Inventory and double checking everything will take some time~j #boldne
  7. - Second Mate, Steve Roy, guides the Bold on the night shift~j #boldne
  8. - My 0330 wake up yesterday began to set in, we'd be here all night before docking back at the Boston Coast Gua ...
  9. - We added some water bottles to the rosette and collected samples while drifting~j #boldne
  10. - By nightfall the Bold was hard at work sampling water in Boston Harbor, ~j #boldne
  11. - Probably the 53rd picture I took of the sunset, couldn't get enough of it! ~j #boldne
  12. - Sunset as we head to the mouth of the Merrimack River, last sunset of the trip~j#boldne
  13. - Everyone looking through binoculars for whales, 3 minkes got the memo we'd be in the area, but went by quickl ...
  14. - Plankton tow about 36 miles offshore at Jeffreys Ledge~ j #boldne
  15. - Heading to Jeffreys Ledge yesterday, open blue ocean in front of us! ~j #boldne
  16. - Lobster boat emerges from the lifting fog (day 4) ~j #boldne
  17. - Chief Scientist Matt Liebman and EPA scientist David Turin at the CTD~j #boldne
  18. - Water sampling yesterday off Phippsburg, (day 4 photo catch up!) ~j #boldne
  19. Docking this thing is a piece of cake. #boldne
  20. Coming back into the coast guard station! Hello Boston! #boldne