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Title:  An Overview of Technical Procedures for the NAEP Assessment
Description: This document provides detail about the technical aspects of NAEP. The goals of the publication are to provide readers with an overview of the projects and to help them better understand the philosophical approach, procedure, analyses, and psychometric underpinnings of NAEP. The guide follows a question-and-answer format, presenting the most commonly asked questions and following them with succinct answers. A glossary is found at the end of the guide, along with a schedule of assessments.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: May 2009
Web Release: June 1, 2009
Publication #: NCES 2009493
Center/Program: NCES
Associated Centers: IES
Authors: Steve Gorman
Type of Product: Brochure
Survey/Program Areas: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Brochure, please contact:
Steve Gorman.
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Washington, DC 20006, USA
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