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Help the Bay in Your Home

Compact fluorescent lightbulb
Using compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) throughout your home is a good way to reduce energy costs and help the Bay.

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Household use of water, electricity and cleaning supplies does not start and end in our homes — it has a direct effect on the health of the Bay and its watershed. Here's a list of ways you can help the Bay while brushing your teeth, cooking dinner, washing your clothes and performing other everyday household tasks.

Conserve Water

The more water we use, the more that is dumped into our septic systems and sewage treatment plants, requiring more energy use and costly upgrades over time. Fortunately, there are many simple ways you can help conserve this precious resource around your home.

  • Fix leaky toilets and faucets. A dripping faucet can waste 20 gallons of water per day, while a leaking toilet can waste 200 gallons per day.
  • Take shorter showers. Cutting your shower time by five minutes can save 10 to 12 gallons of water per shower. That's a potential savings of up to 4,380 gallons per year!
  • Turn off water while you shave, brush your teeth or wash dishes.
  • Install water-saving devices, such as low-flow showerheads and toilet dams.
  • Put a bucket in the shower or sink to catch water as it “warms up.” Use this extra water to water your plants or fill up pet bowls.
  • Only run your dishwasher and washing machine when they are full.

Reduce Energy Consumption

Reducing your electricity use will also reduce the amount of energy that needs to be generated by fossil fuel power plants. This will, in turn, reduce the amount of nutrients and chemical contaminants that can enter rivers, streams and the Bay via air pollution.

Try these ideas to save electricity — and money!

  • Turn off lights, TVs, stereos and computers (including monitors) when not in use.
  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs, which use fewer watts and last longer.
  • Only run dishwashers, washing machines and dryers when they are full.
  • Use fans instead of air conditioning when temperatures are not too hot.
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances, such as Energy Star qualified products.
  • Instead of using an electric dryer, hang your clothes and sheets outside to dry.
  • Make sure your house is weatherized and insulated properly to avoid heat escaping in the winter.
  • Unplug cell phone chargers and similar devices when not in use.

Maintain Your Septic System

If your home has a septic system, follow these tips to keep it working properly and avoid polluting the Bay.

  • Have your septic system pumped out every three to five years.
  • Be careful not to flush or pour down the drain anything that will kill the bacteria living in your septic tank. Healthy colonies of bacteria are necessary for the process that treats wastewater and reduces the amount of nutrients that seep into groundwater.
  • Reduce your use of garbage disposals, as they contribute unnecessary solids and grease to your septic system. Try creating a compost pile instead.
  • Do not use toilets as trash cans.
  • Keep heavy vehicles away from your septic system.
  • Do not plant trees or shrubs near your drain field. Roots can clog septic drain lines.
  • Distribute your laundry chores throughout the week to avoid overloading your septic system on a particular day.

Reduce Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

Household hazardous wastes (HHW) include paints, cleaners, batteries, motor oil, nail polish, weed killers and drain treatments. Most of us have 50 to 100 pounds of HHW in our homes. While some products are essential to our everyday lives, HHW contain chemicals that are potentially harmful to both people and the environment.

While it's not practical to erase all the HHW we generate, here are some things you can do to reduce the amount of these toxins in your home — and in the Bay.

Find out more about HHW programs and collections in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.

Other Tips for Around the House

  • Participate in your community's recycling program. The more cans, bottles and paper we recycle, the less space is taken up in our landfills.
  • Switch to low- or no-phosphorus dishwasher detergents.
  • Never dump used grease, fats or cooking oils down the drain. Instead, store grease in a container until it hardens, then dispose of it in the trash. Some landfills also collect used cooking oil for recycling.
  • Cut down on your use of plastic grocery bags by bringing your own reusable bags to the grocery store. If you like to use the plastic ones, recycle them at grocery store drop-offs or reuse them around the house instead of throwing them away.
  • Repair, sell or donate used goods instead of throwing them out.
  • Use reusable cups, plates and utensils instead of disposable ones.
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Last modified: 02/23/2009
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